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Output Variables do not appear in the dropdown menu in Output:Variable object

asked 2024-05-21 09:55:57 -0600

Zakaria's avatar

Hi everyone,

I'm encountering an issue with the IDF Editor interface in EnergyPlus. I prefer using the IDF Editor over the Text Editor, but sometimes when I try to add an additional output variable, the dropdown menu does not display the available options (as shown below). Has anyone else experienced this, and do you have any solutions?

Thanks for your assistance!

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answered 2024-05-21 10:23:50 -0600

The drop-down list for Output:Variable and Output:Meter are special and actually take the list of variables (or meters) from the RDD and MDD files. Since these files are only generated when the file is simulated, to fix this problem, run the simulation for the specific model you are editing. It will need to include the "Output:VariableDictionary" input object with the key field set to "Regular" in your file too:


After you simulate the file, you should have an RDD and MDD file, and that drop-down list should be populated. You might need to close and reopen the file in IDF Editor for it to read the RDD and MDD files.

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Thank you, @JasonGlazer for the comment.

The figure attached is after I run the model, and the menu is empty. I have also deleted all the generated files after running a simulation and rerunning it, but they are still not showing.

Zakaria's avatar Zakaria  ( 2024-05-21 10:54:18 -0600 )edit

Do you have a file named <filename>.rdd?

JasonGlazer's avatar JasonGlazer  ( 2024-05-21 10:56:07 -0600 )edit

Thank you for your help.

I get it now. I must use Output:VariablesDictionary object so the .rdd file is generated.

Zakaria's avatar Zakaria  ( 2024-05-22 02:09:38 -0600 )edit

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Asked: 2024-05-21 09:55:57 -0600

Seen: 106 times

Last updated: May 22 '24