Is there an issue with assigning an elevator/stairs/multistory corridor a floor with an air boundary/airwall?

asked 2024-04-09 15:46:24 -0500

Mike117's avatar

updated 2024-04-09 17:28:28 -0500

I have assigned all the elevators, stairs, and multistory corridors, and one two story lecture hall in my model an airwall floor. The lecture hall is a two-story segment of the building and the second story has an airwall floor because I clicked "True" for 'Open to below" in the Geometry tab. However, I get the following error message:

** Severe  ** SetupEnclosuresAndAirBoundaries: Surface="FACE 1501" uses Construction:AirBoundary in a non-interzone surface.

FACE 1501 is the floor of the 5th story corridor. I get similar messages for the rest of the surfaces that are "open to below." I also noticed that some stairs in the model do not receive this error message which makes me think the issue is not related to the Construction:AirBoundary, but the vertices/convexity. I get the following error warning message associated with FACE 1501:

** Warning ** CheckConvexity: Surface="FACE 1501", vertex 13 is colinear with previous and next.
** Warning ** CheckConvexity: Surface="FACE 1501", vertex 14 is colinear with previous and next.
** Warning ** CheckConvexity: Surface="FACE 1501", vertex 15 is colinear with previous and next.
** Warning ** CheckConvexity: Surface="FACE 1501", vertex 18 is colinear with previous and next.
** Warning ** CheckConvexity: Surface="FACE 1501", vertex 19 is colinear with previous and next.
** Warning ** CheckConvexity: Surface="FACE 1501", vertex 20 is colinear with previous and next.
** Warning ** CheckConvexity: Surface="FACE 1501", vertex 21 is colinear with previous and next.
** Warning ** CheckConvexity: Surface="FACE 1501", vertex 26 is colinear with previous and next.
** Warning ** CheckConvexity: Surface="FACE 1501", vertex 27 is colinear with previous and next.
** Warning ** CheckConvexity: Surface="FACE 1501" has [9] collinear points that have been removed.
** Warning ** CheckConvexity: Surface="FACE 1501": The vertex points has been reprocessed as Sides = 33

These are some other error messages I get associated with the geometry:

* Severe  ** GetSurfaceData: There are 2 degenerate surfaces; Degenerate surfaces are those with number of sides < 3.
**   ~~~   ** These surfaces should be deleted.
**   ~~~   ** For explicit details on each problem surface, use Output:Diagnostics,DisplayExtraWarnings;

**  Fatal  ** GetSurfaceData: Errors discovered, program terminates.

What is the recommended work around for the severe error and warning here? I tried simplifying the geometry early on.

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@Mike117, please provide a link to the generated OSM or IDF (like this one). Or at a minimum, please provide a relevant excerpt of the OSM (i.e. "FACE 1501"). The Severe error message is clear: "FACE 1501" needs to be an interzone surface when using AirBoundries. The subsequent Warnings (not Errors) are typical with collinear surface vertices, which E+ attempts to fix automatically. Finally, the generated eplusout.err would hold (elsewhere) 2x distinct entries on which individual surfaces are degenerate.

Denis Bourgeois's avatar Denis Bourgeois  ( 2024-04-11 06:23:24 -0500 )edit

Hi @Denis Bourgeois. I have used a work around in the model where I implements floors without insulation, but I do not think that would result in accurate energy reporting. The model I am having an issue with is here. The OSM files you provided above is my model, but I am not sure if that is with the floor airboundary/airwall issue.

Mike117's avatar Mike117  ( 2024-04-12 00:50:36 -0500 )edit

Hi @Mike117. Indeed, the original model (which I linked, as an example) does not have that issue: "FACE 1501" is a wall in that one (I suspect FloorspaceJS automatically renames surfaces, or something). Unfortunately, the latest link (which you provided above) requires a Google Drive access authorization ...

Denis Bourgeois's avatar Denis Bourgeois  ( 2024-04-12 08:17:21 -0500 )edit

I updated the access permissions. You should have all access/permissions.

Mike117's avatar Mike117  ( 2024-04-12 10:38:25 -0500 )edit

Are you certain you linked the right file? I'm noticing that "Face 1501" is (also) a wall - not a floor. It does not have an AirBoundary construction. The 25 surfaces that do reference the single AirBoundary construction are ground-facing floors (i.e. not interzone surfaces). This issue has nothing to do with vertices. Maybe double-check the file? If this was autogenerated by FloorspaceJS, I'd add "FloorspaceJS" in the title: you'd want to raise awareness amongst its users/devs. Who knows, maybe a bug.

Denis Bourgeois's avatar Denis Bourgeois  ( 2024-04-12 11:06:11 -0500 )edit

Hi @Denis Bourgeous, the floors with airboundary/airwall are the errors I am having an issue with. I noticed when I copied the surfaces with the vertices issues then remade the surface the problem went away. Additionally, the degenerate surfaces disappear. The degenerate surfaces are a bug or some small overlap in the space.

The issue with airboundary/air wall are ground facing floors and are meant to be ground facing floors excluding one which is a laboratory floor. I am not sure how to apply the airboundary/airwall construction to the ground facing floors without triggering a sever warning.

Mike117's avatar Mike117  ( 2024-04-12 18:35:57 -0500 )edit

"I am not sure how to apply the airboundary/airwall construction to the ground facing floors without triggering a sever warning" ... you simply can't, as E+ won't allow it.

Denis Bourgeois's avatar Denis Bourgeois  ( 2024-04-13 14:33:12 -0500 )edit