Is there a way to simulate AC on dry mode?
I want to simulate AC running on dry mode in openstudio or energyplus, and make it controlled by humidistat. But whenever I remove thermostat, the simulation always resulting in severe error.
This is quite a common issue in hotel project in area where humidity is high, so they need to control it by running the AC to prevent furniture damage by molds. So some management make it running all the time whenever the room is unoccupied, but since standard indoor AC doesn't have humidistat, they can't control it more efficiently. Its just an open loop control. Many room management system specialist propose additional humidistat for the AC, so the AC only run whenever humidity is above 70%.
I want to simulate this conditions, to predict how efficient this operation is.
Please help, thank you!
@syauqi what simulation tool are you using? Please mention it in the title or body of your post, as well as add a tag so that others can provide better help.
Also, can you upload your model to Google Drive, Dropbox, etc. and then share a URL for others to download? That would help others provide better solutions.