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(basic) Equation support on unmet hours

asked 2015-07-29 04:36:04 -0600

updated 2015-07-29 04:40:25 -0600

In order to answer some questions you sometimes have to go back to the physics and therefore it is very useful to display equations. So far the only way to write an equation properly is to write it (say in your favorite LaTeX editor), render it as an image and include it in the post.

Would it be possible to enable MathJax on unmet hours?

There are instructions here on how to enable it on Askbot.

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2 Answers

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answered 2015-07-30 12:02:37 -0600

It is granted!

$MathJAX =True$


  • $\sqrt{5}$

  • $\phi\left(T_{db},\omega,P\right)$

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Wait, Julien asks for equations and gets them. I ask for unanswered questions to be sorted by date and ... crickets! What's the story? You need karma of 3,000+ to get feature requests implemented?

__AmirRoth__'s avatar __AmirRoth__  ( 2015-07-30 13:05:01 -0600 )edit

Fine. Your wish has been granted, too!

Neal Kruis's avatar Neal Kruis  ( 2015-07-30 13:32:18 -0600 )edit

So I guess the key is not how much karma you have but rather how (passive) aggressive you are? Thanks. I will vote you up tomorrow. :)

__AmirRoth__'s avatar __AmirRoth__  ( 2015-07-30 13:51:55 -0600 )edit

I'm considering opening a new meta post "Allow feature requests only if karma over 3000",

Julien Marrec's avatar Julien Marrec  ( 2015-07-31 07:26:17 -0600 )edit

answered 2015-07-31 07:24:40 -0600

updated 2015-07-31 07:37:30 -0600

  1. To see how any formula was written in any question or answer, including this one, right-click on the expression it and choose "Show Math As > TeX Commands".

  2. For inline formulas, enclose the formula in $...$. For displayed formulas, use $$...$$. These render differently: $\sum_{i=0}^n i^2 = \frac{(n^2+n)(2n+1)}{6}$ (inline) or $$\sum_{i=0}^n i^2 = \frac{(n^2+n)(2n+1)}{6}\tag{displayed}$$

  3. For Greek letters, use \alpha, \beta, …, \omega: $\alpha, \beta, … \omega$. For uppercase, use \Gamma, \Delta, …, \Omega: $\Gamma, \Delta, …, \Omega$.

  4. For superscripts and subscripts, use ^ and _. For example, x_i^2: $x_i^2$.

  5. Groups. Superscripts, subscripts, and other operations apply only to the next “group”. A “group” is either a single symbol, or any formula surrounded by curly braces {}. If you do 10^10, you will get a surprise: $10^10$. But 10^{10} gives what you probably wanted: $10^{10}$. Use curly braces to delimit a formula to which a superscript or subscript applies: x^5^6 is an error; {x^y}^z is ${x^y}^z$, and x^{y^z} is $x^{y^z}$. Observe the difference between x_i^2 $x_i^2$ and x_{i^2} $x_{i^2}$.

  6. Parentheses Ordinary symbols ()[] make parentheses and brackets $(2+3)[4+4]$. Use \{ and \} for curly braces ${}$.

    These do not scale with the formula in between, so if you write (\frac{\sqrt x}{y^3}) the parentheses will be too small: $(\frac{\sqrt x}{y^3})$. Using \left(\right) will make the sizes adjust automatically to the formula they enclose: \left(\frac{\sqrt x}{y^3}\right) is $\left(\frac{\sqrt x}{y^3}\right)$.

    \left and\right apply to all the following sorts of parentheses: ( and ) $(x)$, [ and ] $[x]$, \{ and \} $\lbrace x \rbrace$, | $|x|$, \langle and \rangle $\langle x \rangle$, \lceil and \rceil $\lceil x \rceil$, and \lfloor and \rfloor $\lfloor x \rfloor$. There are also invisible parentheses, denoted by .: \left.\frac12\right\rbrace is $\left.\frac12\right\rbrace$.

  7. Sums and integrals \sum and \int; the subscript is the lower limit and the superscript is the upper limit, so for example \sum_1^n $\sum_1^n$. Don't forget {} if the limits are more than a single symbol. For example, \sum_{i=0}^\infty i^2 is $\sum_{i=0}^\infty i^2$. Similarly, \prod $\prod$, \int $\int$, \bigcup $\bigcup$, \bigcap $\bigcap$, \iint $\iint$.

  8. Fractions There are two ways to make these. \frac ab applies to the next two groups, and produces $\frac ab$; for more complicated numerators and denominators use {}: \frac{a+1}{b+1} is $\frac{a+1}{b+1}$. If the numerator and denominator are complicated, you may prefer \over, which splits up the group that it is in: {a+1\over b+1} is ${a+1\over b+1}$.

  9. Fonts

    • Use \mathbb or \Bbb for "blackboard bold": $\mathbb{CHNQRZ}$.
    • Use \mathbf for boldface: $\mathbf{ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ}$ $\mathbf{abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz}$.
    • Use \mathtt for "typewriter" font: $\mathtt{ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ}$ $\mathtt{abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz}$.
    • Use \mathrm for roman font: $\mathrm{ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ}$ $\mathrm{abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz}$.
    • Use ...
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From here

Julien Marrec's avatar Julien Marrec  ( 2015-07-31 07:39:24 -0600 )edit

$\alpha$ $\gamma$ ok good to know, doesn't work in comments.

Julien Marrec's avatar Julien Marrec  ( 2015-07-31 07:41:47 -0600 )edit

It looks like it is working in your comment to me.

Neal Kruis's avatar Neal Kruis  ( 2015-07-31 09:16:41 -0600 )edit

it does too now...

Julien Marrec's avatar Julien Marrec  ( 2015-07-31 10:04:35 -0600 )edit

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Asked: 2015-07-29 04:36:04 -0600

Seen: 955 times

Last updated: Jul 31 '15