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What's the workflow for importing the NREL HPXML into OpenStudio?

asked 2023-12-12 14:26:31 -0600

Hi everyone,

Unfortunately I don't know enough about scripting to solve this myself...wish I did though. At any rate I have no issues bringing in the 2021 data from the EUSS building models as they're .OSM files.

The 2022 data is a XML file which I've tried to bring into OpenStudio using various version of the measure: the HPXMLtoOpenStudio measure in the newest Resstock, the one that @shorowit posted about here as well as the 1.6 version.

I fixed the duct and quantity errors, I think. However after running the same .xml file, I end up with the errors in the attached screenshot.

image description

To my eyes it looks like I have to rewrite a bunch of things in the XML file but I have no idea where to start. Shouldn't there be a way to look at this file the same way it was produced? I appreciate all the help and knowledge this community has to offer!

Thanks! Brent

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answered 2023-12-12 18:23:35 -0600

It's not as easy as it probably should be, but the simplest path is to use the same versions of ResStock and OpenStudio that were used by EUSS 2022. So that is ResStock EUSS 2022.1 and OpenStudio 3.4.

Then there are a couple updates you need to make to the HPXML where it references external files:

  1. The stochastic occupancy SchedulesFilePath in the HPXML needs to be changed. The file is included in the OEDI zip, so you can use a relative path of just "schedules.csv".
  2. Each emission scenario ScheduleFilePath in the HPXML needs to be changed. The file to point to is found in the ResStock repo at "resources/data/cambium/...".
  3. The EPWFilePath in the HPXML needs to be changed from "../../../weather/foo.epw" to "foo.epw" and you'll need to download the appropriate EPW weather file to resources/hpxml-measures/weather.

Finally, you can generate the OpenStudio model and run the simulation from the commandline like so:

openstudio resources/hpxml-measures/workflow/run_simulation.rb -x in.xml

Or you can call the resources/hpxml-measures/HPXMLtoOpenStudio measure directly if you only want the OSM.

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I don't know why the team decided only to release the HPXML files and not the OpenStudio models as well (to save space?) but I will ask them if they can include both for future releases.

shorowit's avatar shorowit  ( 2023-12-12 18:23:48 -0600 )edit

@shorowit Thank you for the detailed response. I think I can do this and I'll give it a shot.

One last question though, I have 3.6 and 3.7 installed already. I imagine I just get 3.4 from GitHub and then I use that version's CLI?

For item #2, I set that to where I've downloaded the ResStock EUSS 2022.1 version on my hard drive, right?

Apologies for all the questions but I definitely appreciate the efforts!


bwatanabe's avatar bwatanabe  ( 2023-12-13 09:32:59 -0600 )edit

@bwatanabe Yes, that sounds right. Let me know if you run into any problems.

shorowit's avatar shorowit  ( 2023-12-13 09:45:16 -0600 )edit

@shorowit So I was able to get a simulation to run of one of the xml files. It took me this long to respond because I'm terrible at this command line stuff. I can't seem to get an OSM file though. I can only get IDF files that don't import all of the "stuff".

I'm sure I'm doing it wrong...mainly I don't know where the OSM is going if it's even making one. I also don't know what -x is. I apologize for my ignorance.

bwatanabe's avatar bwatanabe  ( 2023-12-15 11:28:28 -0600 )edit

openstudio D:/Work/01_ARCHITECTURE/RESOURCES/GITHUB/resstock-euss.2022.1/resources/hpxml-measures/HPXMLtoOpenStudio/measure.rb -x D:/Work/01_ARCHITECTURE/RESOURCES/GITHUB/resstock-euss.2022.1/resources/hpxml-measures/workflow/bldg0000001-up01/in.xml

Here's what I tried running to get the OSM file

bwatanabe's avatar bwatanabe  ( 2023-12-15 11:29:06 -0600 )edit

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Asked: 2023-12-12 14:26:31 -0600

Seen: 174 times

Last updated: Dec 12 '23