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Trying to run a simulation through the command line on openstudio

asked 2023-05-31 14:39:29 -0500

Neon_Demiurge's avatar

updated 2023-05-31 18:14:03 -0500

I have installed both openstudio 3.5.1, the openstudio application version 1.5 and Energy plus V22-2-0, I am trying to run a simulation of one of my models with an always run measure, I input this command on my window terminal:

C:\openstudio-3.5.1\bin>openstudio run --w C:/Users/Neon_Demiurge/Documents/ΗΜΜΥ/Πέμπτο έτος(2022 - 2023)/Διπλωματική(2023)/Energy modeling/my models/my model 1/my model 1/workflow.osw

and I get the following message:

E, [2023-05-31T21:41:17.685611 #15584] ERROR -- : Extra arguments passed to the run command. Please refer to the help documentation.

I have also tried:

C:\openstudioapplication-1.5.0\bin>openstudio run --workflow C:/Users/Neon_Demiurge/Documents/ΗΜΜΥ/Πέμπτο έτος(2022 - 2023)/Διπλωματική(2023)/Energy modeling/my models/my model 1/my model 1/workflow.osw

as well as similar commands by deleting directories from the start of the path and still got the same message. I'm on Windows 10. I have also read all the official documentation and tutorials on open studio.

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1 Answer

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answered 2023-06-01 01:54:34 -0500

updated 2023-06-01 02:00:38 -0500

Generally speaking, when you're interacting with any command line interface, there are two things you should definitely avoid to mimize chances of problems:

  • Non ASCII characters [1]
  • Spaces

You've got both of them here (and multiple occurrences of each) unfortunately. Luckily, your windows USERNAME is perfect (no spaces, no non-ASCII characters) so worst case you can just move things around.

Two things you can try:

 cd to the directory and run

cd "C:/Users/Neon_Demiurge/Documents/ΗΜΜΥ/Πέμπτο έτος(2022 - 2023)/Διπλωματική(2023)/Energy modeling/my models/my model 1/my model 1/"
C:\openstudioapplication-1.5.0\bin>openstudio run --workflow workflow.osw

Escape the path with spaces

Add quotes around the path with space (or let autocomplete via the TAB key escape it inline)

C:\openstudio-3.5.1\bin>openstudio run --workflow "C:/Users/Neon_Demiurge/Documents/ΗΜΜΥ/Πέμπτο έτος(2022 - 2023)/Διπλωματική(2023)/Energy modeling/my models/my model 1/my model 1/workflow.osw"

 Last resort

Just use a safer path on disk (and rename your model too).

eg C:/Users/Neon_Demiurge/Documents/ΗΜΜΥ/Energy_Modeling/my_model1/model.osm


[1]I know using only ASCII characters is annoying especially if your native language uses them (I'm French and learned this the hard way). But that's what it is, the vast majority of systems ever built have some amount of trouble with non-ASCII characters or encoding generally, and this is still problematic today as encoding is different on Windows cmd.exe/pwsh.exe (latin-1, and UTF-16 strings) versus Unix terminals (UTF-8).

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Thank you for the answer and your help, you are very right about the non-ASCII characters and that was the main issue, also I found that the path I use for the workflow file should have '\' between the directories and not '/'.

Neon_Demiurge's avatar Neon_Demiurge  ( 2023-06-21 12:42:53 -0500 )edit

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Asked: 2023-05-31 14:04:28 -0500

Seen: 131 times

Last updated: Jun 21 '23