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The Zone is not fully enclosed

asked 2023-02-22 14:27:37 -0600

Melina's avatar

updated 2023-02-22 14:43:49 -0600

Hello. I keep receiving this warning below and the same subject I found on Unmethours did not help me. Warning * CalculateZoneVolume: The Zone="ENTIRE HOUSE" is not fully enclosed. To be fully enclosed, each edge of a surface must also be an edge on one other surface. * ~~~ * The zone volume was calculated using the floor area times ceiling height method where the floor and ceiling are the same except for the z-coordinates. * ~~~ * The surface "SOUTHWALLGROUNDFLOOR" has an edge that is either not an edge on another surface or is an edge on three or more surfaces: * ~~~ * Vertex start { 12.0000, 0.0000, 3.7000} * ~~~ * Vertex end { 0.0000, 0.0000, 3.7000} * ~~~ * The surface "NORTHWALLGROUNDFLOOR" has an edge that is either not an edge on another surface or is an edge on three or more surfaces: * ~~~ * Vertex start { 0.0000, 7.0000, 3.7000} * ~~~ * Vertex end { 12.0000, 7.0000, 3.7000} * ~~~ * The surface "EASTWALLGROUNDFLOOR" has an edge that is either not an edge on another surface or is an edge on three or more surfaces: * ~~~ * Vertex start { 12.0000, 7.0000, 3.7000} * ~~~ * Vertex end { 12.0000, 0.0000, 3.7000} * ~~~ * The surface "WESTWALLGROUNDFLOOR" has an edge that is either not an edge on another surface or is an edge on three or more surfaces: * ~~~ * Vertex start { 0.0000, 0.0000, 3.7000} * ~~~ ** Vertex end { 0.0000, 7.0000, 3.7000}

I have a basement and two above-grade floors (residential) and a gable. I have three zones: basement, gable, and other spaces are defined as one zone. I sketched the geometry in Sketchup. I sketched different houses in terms of area ( but same zoning strategy) and the warning is still there for all of them. I use "Euclid" plugin. I should mention that the four lines that are mentioned in the warning message appeared in all of the geometries that I tested but there is more vertice mentioned in the warning in some geometric like below. I checked the vertices in SketchUp and E+ several times but they seem correct. I really cannot figure it out. Also, I was wondering why I don't have the same issue with the upper-floor ceiling. Why do I just have this issue in the Groundfloor ceiling (upperfloor Floor)? The most confusing thing is that I have this warning for the basement's walls in one model and the other one is fine with the vertices of the walls. I did surface matching in SketchUp and also checked the boundary conditions in E+ and all seem fine.

* Warning * CalculateZoneVolume: The Zone="BASEMENT:UTILITYROOM" is not fully enclosed. To be fully enclosed, each edge of a surface must also be an edge on one other surface. * ~~~ * The zone volume was calculated using the floor area times ceiling height method where the floor and ceiling are the same except for the z-coordinates. * ~~~ * The surface "SOUTHUPPERWALLBASEMENT" has an edge that is either not an edge on another surface or is an edge on three or more ... (more)

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These are tricky issues to try to resolve. If you are confident in the geometry, you can ignore it since it is just a warning. If you want to help diagnosing the issue, I think you will have to share the input file somewhere so that we can take a look at it.

JasonGlazer's avatar JasonGlazer  ( 2023-02-22 15:35:45 -0600 )edit

I would be grateful if you could take a look. How can I share the idf?

Melina's avatar Melina  ( 2023-02-22 17:55:17 -0600 )edit

"How can I share the idf?" ... post a link to the (publicly-shared) IDF, e.g. Google Drive.

Denis Bourgeois's avatar Denis Bourgeois  ( 2023-02-23 05:45:14 -0600 )edit

2 Answers

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answered 2023-02-23 14:12:23 -0600

Thanks for sharing your models.

For M1, when viewing in Euclid an entire SouthGroundwallBasement wall appears to be missing and if you look you will se that the coordinates for NorthGroundwallBasement are exactly the same, so it is actually overlaying that wall. If you fix the coordinates it should work.

For M2, you zoned the ground floor and the upper floor in the same zone called "entire house" but you are mirroring the floor between the levels (even though they are in the same zone), one called Interior Ceiling_Rev and GroundfloorCeilingintouchwithUpperfloor which is appropriate if they were in different zones. Try making the upper and ground floors as two separate zones and it should work. If you want to leave that as a single zone, just get rid of the surfaces between them.

I hope those changes help.

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Thank you very much for your time. Regarding M1 I fixed that missing wall in E+ (I have 27 surfaces in E+). I think it was something that happened in SketchUp after I saved my geometry. Regarding M2 I want them to be in one thermal zone and also I want to consider the surface between them to be closer to reality. So in this case can I trust my outputs and just ignore the warning you think?

Melina's avatar Melina  ( 2023-02-23 17:49:35 -0600 )edit

You probably don't want to "autocalculate" the zone volume for that zone and instead put in the value that it should be. Otherwise, I think it is safe to ignore that warning.

JasonGlazer's avatar JasonGlazer  ( 2023-02-24 07:21:58 -0600 )edit

answered 2023-02-25 10:22:24 -0600

This warning is multifaceted, but video covers some causes for this issue:

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Thank you very much

Melina's avatar Melina  ( 2023-02-27 22:44:12 -0600 )edit

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Asked: 2023-02-22 14:27:37 -0600

Seen: 250 times

Last updated: Feb 25 '23