SketchUp OpenStudio Photovoltaic temperature coefficient
Is photovoltaic temperature coefficient taken into account when modeling PV with default OpenStudio SketchUp plug-in?
The question arose due to the discrepancies between PV energy production yields between our estimates, and our client's internally computed estimates.
Some of the discrepancies can of course be due to the use of different weather data. However when taking into consideration that the PV system in question is located close to the equator, and OpenStudio SketchUp plug-in uses "OpenStudio::Model::GeneratorPhotovoltaic::simple(model)" class, which takes no inputs for PV temperature coefficient in OpenStudio SketchUp plug-in — I guess it's safe to assume that by default temperate effects on PV energy generation are not taken into account when utilizing the default OpenStudio SketchUp plug-in features?