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Energy plus/open studio where to start?

asked 2022-09-21 12:40:39 -0600

Annawe's avatar

updated 2022-11-10 13:30:52 -0600

I am using energy plus on a pilot project ( a passive house using low carbon emission material). I have read the documents attached that are related to energy plus and was able to navigate between open studio and energy plus. But I am not sure what are the limits of each software, as I am relatively new to energy modeling. I would appreciate your support or advice, on whether to use Sketchup or Revit. And if I limit the work on either of these softwares to get the geometry or should I be assigning the material in Revit or sketch up? In regards to open studio, since a lot of input overlap with energy plus, what are the recommendation in this regard? Is it better to insert the assumptions in open studio or energy plus?

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3 Answers

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answered 2023-03-16 09:28:01 -0600

Two documents are really aimed at helping new users of EnergyPlus:

It is worth taking a look at these resources when you are first learning about EnergyPlus.

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answered 2023-03-14 09:30:16 -0600

Both OpenStudio and Revit use EnergyPlus as the computation engine. With that said, both OpenStudio and Revit are limited and do not access the full abilities of EnergyPlus. OpenStudio has more access than Revit.

EnergyPlus is a gargantuan program to learn and is not very user friendly. It takes years of training and use to get good at EnergyPlus.

OpenStudio, although limited, is also very complicated because you must still have some knowledge of how EnergyPlus operates. That said, it has a more friendly user interface.

Revit is really intended for 3d modeling. It is limited to load calculations; although it does do energy calculations, those calculations are rudimentary and may not simulate the specific scenario that you need. Revit is also a gargantuan program, but more geared toward the 3d modeling and construction information management.

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answered 2023-03-16 09:19:00 -0600

Joshua Bohnert's avatar

If you are looking for an Energy Plus based experience with a support center, consider TRACE 3D Plus as another option. The others above are also good options. Email if interested.

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Asked: 2022-09-21 12:40:39 -0600

Seen: 722 times

Last updated: Mar 16 '23