Severe errors in OS about thermal zones' volume and Coil:Cooling:DX:VariableRefrigerantFlow

asked 2 years ago

updated 2 years ago

  • * Severe * For zone: MAIN HOTEL - TH.Z. 8 it is not possible to calculate the volume from the surrounding surfaces so either provide the volume value or define all the surfaces to fully enclose the zone.

  • * Severe * For zone: ROOMS - TH.Z. 13 it is not possible to calculate the volume from the surrounding surfaces so either provide the volume value or define all the surfaces to fully enclose the zone.

  • * Severe * Coil:Cooling:DX:VariableRefrigerantFlow "VRF ZONE TERMINAL COOLING COIL 48"

As it concerns the first two errrors, i think i have to measure the volume of those thermal zones and insert it in Sketchup but I don't know exactly how, except by measuring length,width and height, which it's not easy at all with my building so I was thinking if there is another way to do it. About the last error I don't have a clue what to do

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Preferable to isolate/fix missing/invalid OpenStudio surfaces that are the likely root cause of these issues. The eplusout.err file is not reporting any surface warnings for the 2x zones? As a last resort, here's some nice advice on how to set thermal zone volumes using the plugin inspector.

Denis Bourgeois's avatar Denis Bourgeois  ( 2 years ago )