Blank Html output for E+ v22
Hello E+ Users
I am running into a peculiar problem with E+ V22. I can see that a simulation has successfully competed but there are no results in the html or csv output. All i see is a few headers
I added the objects for OutputControl:Table:Style and OutputControl:Files to no avail
I hope someone can give a solution
I think I have found the issue . It has to do with the fact that the weather files downloaded from One have multiple files in the same folder besides the .epw. There is the stat file, wea, rain etc. Once I deleted all the files in the weather folder expect for EPW and DDY the simulation completed and I got the results. I suspect this is a bug in V22 since this was never the case in V9.6. Thank you for Chris Mackey of Ladybug Tools for the tip on what to check for.
Anything in your .err file?
Jason there is no message in the ERR file that explains why there is no output. There are warnings on different things like water temperature etc but the simulation does complete.