convert idf file from v9.3 to v9.6.0
The images weren't working, so i had to edit the post. Sorry about that.
I have been trying to simulate the E+ file and every time a window pops up with 'Check File Version'. I tried to proceed anyways, and this never get me the results/empty excel sheet.
I tried to uninstall E+ files from my laptop, tried to download newer version updates, and still get the same error. I searched online for fourms that discusses bugs regarding the versions and most linked urls for it are expired or not found.
I also tried to use in the Utilities tab the IDFVersionUpdater but it doesn't provide versions other than v9.3.
It seems the transition files are unavailable but i have no idea how to download them, especially because i couldn't find anything in the referred website.
I am kind of a beginner in rhino/gh, so I need help with how exactly I need to do step by step on how i can convert 9.3 to 9.6.0.
@deema it doesn't look like your images attached correctly, can you please edit your post and re-upload the images?
Edited. Sorry about that.
The equals sign in "=9.3" is weird. What does your Version object look like in your IDF file? Also what is the pull path to your EnergyPlus 9.6.0 folder?
I have the E+ in C:\EnergyPlusV9-6-0
It's not supposed to have a '=' sign? I am insure how i have it. I actually tried to delete my energyplus version and downloaded 9.3 version so i won't need to update, but the issue was the same, saying =9.3 is not the same as 9.3.0 and need to update. Do you have any idea how to remove the idf =9.3 in the first place? do i need to uninstall every file i own and re-download everything? honestly it would be more convenient.
@deema send me your file and I will see if I get the same equal signs. jglazer at gard dot com