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What does "Door name - reverse definition" mean?

asked 2022-02-24 12:05:41 -0500

prp92's avatar

updated 2022-02-24 17:26:20 -0500


I have a question about modelling internal doors in Energy Plus (V 9.6). I exported the Heating Design Energy Plus file from Design Builder ( V I draw one door inside the building that connects hallway to main bedroom. In Energy Plus IDF, I get the following FenestrationSurface:Detailed object.

! Door, 1.999m2

FenestrationSurface:Detailed, SecondFloor:Unit8XMBR_Partition_4_0_0_0_0_0_Door,  !- Door name
Door, Project internal door,             !- Class and Construction Name
SecondFloor:Unit8XMBR_Partition_4_0_0,   !- Base surface
SecondFloor:Unit8XHallway_Partition_2_0_0_0_0_0_Door_10061,  !- Corresponding other surface
0,                                       !- View Factor to Ground
,                                        !- Frame divider name
1,                                       !- Multiplier
4,                                       !- Number vertices
1.9711583543,-29.96357673, 2.64795,     !- Vertex 1
1.9711583543,-30.96332073, 2.64795,     !- Vertex 2
1.9711583543,-30.96332073, 4.647438,    !- Vertex 3
1.9711583543,-29.96357673, 4.647438;    !- Vertex 4

However, I get another FenestrationSuface:Detailed object as below:

 ! Door, 1.999m2

  FenestrationSurface:Detailed, SecondFloor:Unit8XHallway_Partition_2_0_0_0_0_0_Door_10061,  !- Door name - reverse definition
     Door, Project internal door_Rev,         !- Class and Construction Name
     SecondFloor:Unit8XHallway_Partition_2_0_10059,  !- Base surface
     SecondFloor:Unit8XMBR_Partition_4_0_0_0_0_0_Door,  !- Corresponding other door subsurface
     0,                                       !- View Factor to Ground
     ,                                        !- Frame divider name
     1,                                       !- Multiplier
     4,                                       !- Number vertices
      1.9711583543,-30.96332073, 2.64795,     !- Vertex 1
      1.9711583543,-29.96357673, 2.64795,     !- Vertex 2
      1.9711583543,-29.96357673, 4.647438,    !- Vertex 3
      1.9711583543,-30.96332073, 4.647438;    !- Vertex 4

The second one is referred to as 'reverse definition'.

My question is: Are these two same doors? If I create a natural ventilation model and set one of them as "OPEN", will the door with reverse definition open too?


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@prp92 what EnergyPlus interface are you using? My guess is DesignBuilder, but you should mention it in your post's title and/or body as well as the tag so that others can provide better help.

Aaron Boranian's avatar Aaron Boranian  ( 2022-02-24 14:12:59 -0500 )edit

@aaron-boranian Hi Aaron.. Sure, I will mention it.

prp92's avatar prp92  ( 2022-02-24 14:15:12 -0500 )edit

1 Answer

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answered 2022-02-25 04:56:34 -0500

Tokarzewski's avatar


The internal door and other internal constructions are reversed to avoid the issue that is explained here.

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Asked: 2022-02-24 12:05:41 -0500

Seen: 134 times

Last updated: Feb 25 '22