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How to Create Fan Coil System in OpenStudio

asked 3 years ago

atmaca's avatar

updated Sep 25

Hello Friends,

I'm an Architect. So, I know a few HVAC system knowledge. I try to create Fan Coil System in OpenStudio. But I don't know Fan Coil system components. Does anyone have a sample fan coil system scheme? I could not find a sample OS Fan coil scheme on the internet. Or could you recommend a resource?image description

Thank you.

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I would add a suitable air loop and populate it with a suitable DX coil, a suitable fan and suitable resistive heating coil, for example. Or if this is a CHW and/or HW driven fan coil, I would populate the air loop with a cooling and/or heating water coil and add a fan. If so, you will also have to add a chiller and/or boiler plant loop. The name fan coil does by no means describe a unique piece of equipment - its meaning can be interpreted a number different ways by MEP engineers (e.g. DX vs CHW vs. HW, cooling only or cooling and heating or heating only), so you there is "one" FCU.

mattkoch's avatar mattkoch  ( 3 years ago )

Thank you for your suggestions. I will try to improve Fan coil knowledge.

atmaca's avatar atmaca  ( 3 years ago )

Hi I want to ask, how to add an FCU without heating coil? it gets me error every time i add four pipe fan coil without linking the heating coil to hot water loop (since it isn't needed)..

syauqi's avatar syauqi  ( Sep 25 )

4 Answers

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answered 3 years ago

Petros Dalavouras's avatar

1st step is to create a chilled water loop. Make sure you click on the dotted line and choose the appropriate loop type as well as the rest of the settings

image description

2nd step is to create a hot water loop. Same story here, click on the dotted line and select all the appropriate settings

image description

3rd step is to go to the thermal zones tab. Drag and drop a four pipe coil object of your choosing from library to the Zone Equipment and then click on it. You will see two chain like icons on the top right of you screen, click each one and connect the OS:Coil:Heating:Water with your hot water loop and the OS:Coil:Cooling:Coil with your chilled water loop.

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This way you can create a fan coil system. My suggestion would be though, to increase your knowledge in HVAC systems first and then try to model them.

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This schematic expression is very helpful. I will do your suggestions. You are right, I should learn about HVAC knowledge.

atmaca's avatar atmaca  ( 3 years ago )

answered 3 years ago

Ammar De's avatar

If you are not familiar with HVAC systems modeling, I suggest that you use default libraries or existing measures related to any HVAC system in mind. You can search for measures related to fan coil systems (for instance, a measure called NZEHVAC contains several fan coil system configurations) from Components & Measures > Find Measures and then apply that measure using Components & Measures > Apply Measures Now. This way you will be able to inspect the HVAC system scheme and its components, and then you can fine tune the system before running it.

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Thank you very much for your suggestions. I will use at the next files.

atmaca's avatar atmaca  ( 3 years ago )

answered 3 years ago

Archi-Jin's avatar

I am a graduate student in architecture, but I still suggest that our professionals use an ideal air-conditioning system to simulate, which saves time and can aid architectural design.

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answered 3 years ago

atmaca's avatar

I added a pump, a Deck, Boiler HW and Chiller-Air Cooled.

image description

Also, I arranged PipeFanCoil. I connected Plant loop1 for heating and cooling. So, should I add Fan Constant Volume etc.?

image description

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It looks like you have a chiller and a boiler in one and the same plant loop. I have never seen that in OpenStudio, even though it might correctly represent a four pipe system. Are you able to schedule the chiller and boiler such that they do not come on at the same time? Also, how do you enforce chilled water going to the cooling coil and hot water going to the heating coil only? I have only ever modeled separate boiler and chiller loops, so probably will not be of much further help. Good catch on the Zone Equipment Fan Coil. It saves you from having to create lots of air loops.

mattkoch's avatar mattkoch  ( 3 years ago )

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Asked: 3 years ago

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Last updated: Sep 25 '24