I can't see model's geometry
I did my model's geometry using FloorspaceJS, however, when I tried to see and edit the geometry of my model (osm), it doesn't appear when I went to the "geometry" panel. I only can see the 3D View. If I enter into the "Edit" button, I am not allow to use the "Preview OSM" button
When you click the "Edit" button does it show you your 2d plan or is it asking you about making a new plan? If you don't see you 2d plan it is possible that the "floorplan.json" file was misplaced. That is what is used to view and edit the 2d plan. The OpenStudio Application does not dynamically crate a 2d plan from the OSM file.
Thank you for your answer. When I clic the "Edit" button, I don't see my preview 2d plan nor the application is asking to make a new plan. I tried to look for the "floorplan.json" inside my model's carpets but I didn't find it.
Do you just see a white empty area where the interface elements should be? It could be good to have a screenshot. One possibility is something happened to the "floorplan.json" file that prevented it from opening. It would be helpful if you went to https://nrel.github.io/floorspace.js/ and choose "Open Existing Floorplan" and upload a copy of your floorplan to see if that works. If it doesn't work there as well, then there might be an issue with the json file.
Thank you again David. I can see the model in the 3D view, but when I clic in the "Edit" button, it doesn't show the interface that is shown when I follow the link " https://nrel.github.io/floorspace.js/". It just appears descriptions about the IDF, gbXML, and FloorspaceJS (not a white empty area), but the button for "Preview OSM" and "Merge with current OSM" are grey and cant' be selected. I looked for the "floorplan.json" inside the principal file of the model, but I couldn't find it. I haven't found this since I used this model in the PAT application for running alternatives measures.
Ok, sorry, I missed earlier that you can't find "floorplan.json" I thought you could. You mentioned you used this model in PAT. PAT brings a copy of the model into PAT project and should leave original un-touched. Are you looking in the copy within PAT or your original location. As "floorplan.json" didn't exist when PAT was developed it is possible that that file isn't copied into the PAT project with the rest of the files.