Embed PCM in Window Glazing system
I'm using EnergyPlus and I'm trying to embed a Phase Change Material into a glazing system, but I get the following error:
** Severe ** MaterialProperty:PhaseChange: Reference Material is not appropriate type for CondFD properties, material=AIR, must have regular properties (L,Cp,K,D)
** Fatal ** GetCondFDInput: Errors found getting ConductionFiniteDifference properties. Program terminates.
...Summary of Errors that led to program termination:
..... Reference severe error count=1
..... Last severe error=MaterialProperty:PhaseChange: Reference Material is not appropriate type for CondFD properties, material=AIR, must have regular properties (L,Cp,K,D)
I found this question and this other question about the same topic, nevertheless they have no answer.
A comment on the last one suggests emailing the author of the first one, but I'm unable to find the e-mail of any user (maybe it is a limitation of my karma as a new user?).
Any feedback on how to achieve this (maybe there is a workaround using another kind of materials or using the Python API?) will be appreciated.
Also, if you could provide me the means to contact the users who has the same problem (e.g. their emails) I would really appreciate it, too.
@elsa if you click on the name of an Unmet Hours user, then you can view their profile where you will find some of their information, but not their email (only moderators on Unmet Horus can see that).
Thanks @Aaron Boranian. Unfortunately, on their profiles I'm only able to see the "member since", "last seen" and "todays unused votes" fields. I think this might be because one requires greater karma in order to see other user's emails.
Hello. I also encountered this problem. If anyone has a solution, tell me. Placement of phase change material in glass