How to exclude air film coefficient in constructions?
How can I exclude air film (U-value with film in envelope summary) in EnergyPlus simulations? It seems like EnergyPlus automatically calculates U-value of constructions with film and its whole output summary is based on those constructions, while I don't have constructions with air film.
@DavorJ are you saying that you want to set a total U-value that already includes exterior air film so that EnergyPlus doesn't have to calculate and apply that? Or are you saying that you want to set the exterior air film loss to zero?
Hi Aaron, thank you for your reply. I have construction layers in my technical data already and when I apply those layers in EnergyPlus, U-value is lower than defined (because EnergyPlus is applying air film?). I would like for a way to exclude air film from calculations, so I can have a U-value of an exterior wall or some other construction as it is defined in my technical sheet. Am I understanding construction with film wrong?