Basement.exe: how to get GroundTemperature?
I would like to get GroundTemperature from my .epw weather file. But I don't understand the advice given here:
If I write RunBasement in my command prompt, it doesn't recognise this term. How can I use this pre-process application?
In advance, thanks for your help. Best,
Are you using the GroundHeatTransfer:Basement objects like GroundHeatTransfer:Basement:SimParameters, GroundHeatTransfer:Basement:MatlProps, etc.. directly in your IDF file? If so, the batch file with EP-Launch already will use those inputs and run the Basement.exe program.
You may also want to consider using Foundation:Kiva objects. This is a more recent addition to EnergyPlus and provides advantages over the Basement.exe program.