Datapoint Failure with Default settings
I was wondering if anyone could tell me why all datapoints are failing even when default settings are being used. I am using version 2.2.3 of ResStock.
It’s obviously impossible to know without more information.
I was using the PAT to run an analysis in which I had altered some of the TSVs and used down select logic to specify the analysis use only certain portions of California. Up until about a week and a half ago the simulations ran fine. A few changes were made to the TSVs, but everything still added up to 1 for the changed TSVs. Now everything results in datapoint failures. I decided to test and see if the downloading a clean version of resstock 2.2.3 would work since it would have unaltered building characteristics tsvs and options lookup tsvs. The only PAT inputs I changed were..
.. Building ID max (set down to 100) and Number of buildings represented (set to 1000). The worker initialization script argument was left set to I have a feeling this might be part of the problem as when you try entering that address into a browser it tells you that an error has occured.
A picture of the error message from the sdp_log_file has been added to the post.