The OpenStudio CLI allows you to take a user specified seed model and weather file, and string together one or more measures.
There are a number of example workflows, but here is one I've used recently that has some different model articulation workflows that pull measures from other code repositories. You can checkout this repository and others mentioned in the readme file.
Updated Answer regarding apply measure now responsiveness:
It seems like most of the time is due to forward translation of the model that occurs to pass workspace (IDF) to the arguments section of the measures. Forward translation has validation performance that is non-linear related to model size. I would also point out that with a model of 1300 zones and 13,000 spaces you may want to try to by script as much as possible and avoid GUI's. The space tab and surfaces sub tab would almost certainly not perform or perform well with this model. Another question to ask is to confirm that the level of detail of the model is appropriate for the use case. Are there this many zones because there is a need for the energy model simulation, or did it for example just come in from an architectural model that had this level of detail? I would expect the runtime in EnergyPlus to also be very long, not sure if you have done test runs yet?
@xchen, that is not normal at all. What version of OpenStudio are you using and what is your operating system. Two things that impact how long Apply Measures now or the Measures Tab are the number of measures in your "MyMeasures" and BCL directory and possibly model size as it relates to forward translation, but that should be pretty quick. I'm wondering if either your measures or your model are in a network drive or a drive synced with service like DropBox or GoogleDrive that may be slowing down access to files? I would consider slow 30-60 seconds, still far quicker than what you are seeing.
I'm using v2.8.1 on Win10. Both my model and the measures/BCL are on my local disk. I have about 70 measures in the measure folder, which i assume is not a lot. My OS model size is about 33M. It loads pretty quick on a small model under these same configuration. So I guess it's the model size? Is there any way to apply the measure outside openstudio?
Do you mind sending the model to so I can try it out. The size of the model and that number of measures really should not cause a problem. I suspect there is some measure there with bad code in the arguments section. One way you could test this would be to quit OpenStudio, then rename your BCL directory to something like "xBCL". When you re-launch OpenStudio it will make a new clean BCL directory. If that is now quick it will help narrow things down. I realized I forgot to tell you how to run measures without GUI, I'll make an answer.
Sorry I can't send you the model due to project restrictions. I tried recreating the BCL. It helps a little but it still takes 10 mins to load the content of the measure after clicking on it in the "apply measure now" window. The long loading time happens only when I use it on big projects. It loads almost instantaneously with small model.
@xchen, if you have this model open and go the file menu and choose "Export > IDF" from the file menu does it also take that long, or is the export happen quickly. Also is the 10 minutes you refer to the time time until the dialog with the list of measures shows up or the time to see the argument fields for a specifically selected measure?
Instead of just file size on your model, can you share rough numbers for number of surfaces and number of zones, that doesn't always correlate well to file size.