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How to use inlet and outlet node in window air conditioner model for EnergyPlus?

asked 2019-11-12 11:54:35 -0600

updated 2019-11-14 11:21:48 -0600

Dear all,

I am trying to model a window air conditioner in EnergyPlus. I used Euclid, not OpenStudio. I´ve already consulted the file "HVACStandAloneERV_Economizer" as recommended but it is asking for Inlet and Outlet nodes, and the list is blank. Do you know how can I fill this list an which onde I should use for a simple window air conditioner?

Than you very much in advance

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answered 2019-11-14 05:16:22 -0600

The example file you mention shows how it's done, take a better look at it.

What these nodes should be will depend on the 'Fan Placement' you picked in ZoneHVAC:WindowAirConditioner (cf I/O Reference Guide)

This input field has two choices: BlowThrough or DrawThrough. The first choice stands for “blow through fan”. This means that the unit consists of an outdoor air mixer followed by a fan followed by a DX coil. The fan “blows through” the DX coil

So assuming a blow through situation, the ZoneHVAC:WindowAirConditioner's Air Inlet Node Name should be the Return Air Stream Node Name of the OutdoorAirMixer object that's referenced (which is also the Zone Return Air Node...). The Air Outlet Node Name should the the outlet node of the DX Cooling Coil that is used.

In a Drawthrough situation, yourZoneHVAC:WindowAirConditioner looks exactly like this drawing, except the heating coil doesn't exist:

The ZoneHVAC:WindowAirConditioner's Air Inlet Node Name should be the Return Air Stream Node Name of the OutdoorAirMixer object that's referenced (which is also the Zone Return Air Node...), like above.

The Air Outlet Node Name should the the outlet node of the Fan that is used.

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Asked: 2019-11-12 11:54:35 -0600

Seen: 932 times

Last updated: Nov 14 '19