'Workflow' in EnergyPlus Folder
In Energyplus folder (V9.1) I have seen several python scripts (transition.py;energyplus.py,...
) with eplaunch package without any manual. What are the purpose for those scripts and can they run in normal python script ?
Update: tried to build EP-Launch.app for Mac and got below warnings in warn-eplaunch.txt
- could not pip/conda intall org
and any further options. The EP-Launch.app
is unable to launch even in standard EP folder. How to fix it?
Follow-up: got release link from JasonGlazer:https://github.com/NREL/EP-Launch/releases - Just a symbol made me confused
missing module named org - imported by pickle (optional), /Users/kcu/Desktop/App/Install/EP-Launch/eplaunch/runner.py (top-level)
excluded module named _frozen_importlib - imported by importlib (optional), importlib.abc (optional), /Users/kcu/Desktop/App/Install/EP-Launch/eplaunch/runner.py (top-level)