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90.1 Library not fully loading

asked 2019-08-08 11:05:24 -0500

lamar.dylan's avatar

When I open a new file and load the 90.1-2013 or 2010 libraries through the "Preferences > Change Default Libraries" menu, it is only loading the Construction Sets and not the Space Types, Schedules, etc. For some reason 189.1 Sets are showing up even these have not been loaded. I'm not sure if I did something wrong when I originally installed the software?

Thanks for any advice here!

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answered 2019-08-16 02:37:14 -0500

The 90_1_2013.osm for eg has SpaceTypes that do not bear the "90.1-2013" prefix. You can open this file in a text editor to convince yourself, and search for "OS:SpaceType". Or, see below for the full list.

The 189.1 SpaceTypes you are seeing are probably coming from the Resources\default\office_default.osm which is by default loaded in OpenStudioApplication unless you remove them. See end of post for list of space types from that file.

Full list of 90.1-2013 spacetypes from the library file:

Produced using git bash (with unix tools so you can use grep):

$ cd /c/openstudio-2.8.0/Resources/
$ /bin/grep -A2 "OS:SpaceType" 90_1_2013.osm | /bin/grep Name
  Any Plenum,                             !- Name
  Courthouse Courthouse - Break Room,     !- Name
  Courthouse Courthouse - Cell,           !- Name
  Courthouse Courthouse - Conference,     !- Name
  Courthouse Courthouse - Corridor,       !- Name
  Courthouse Courthouse - Courtroom,      !- Name
  Courthouse Courthouse - Courtroom Waiting, !- Name
  Courthouse Courthouse - Elevator Lobby, !- Name
  Courthouse Courthouse - Elevator Shaft, !- Name
  Courthouse Courthouse - Entrance Lobby, !- Name
  Courthouse Courthouse - Judges Chamber, !- Name
  Courthouse Courthouse - Jury Assembly,  !- Name
  Courthouse Courthouse - Jury Deliberation, !- Name
  Courthouse Courthouse - Library,        !- Name
  Courthouse Courthouse - Office,         !- Name
  Courthouse Courthouse - Parking,        !- Name
  Courthouse Courthouse - Plenum,         !- Name
  Courthouse Courthouse - Restrooms,      !- Name
  Courthouse Courthouse - Security Screening, !- Name
  Courthouse Courthouse - Service Shaft,  !- Name
  Courthouse Courthouse - Stairs,         !- Name
  Courthouse Courthouse - Storage,        !- Name
  Courthouse Courthouse - Utility,        !- Name
  FullServiceRestaurant Attic,            !- Name
  FullServiceRestaurant Dining,           !- Name
  FullServiceRestaurant Kitchen,          !- Name
  HighriseApartment Apartment,            !- Name
  HighriseApartment Apartment_topfloor_NS, !- Name
  HighriseApartment Apartment_topfloor_WE, !- Name
  HighriseApartment Corridor,             !- Name
  HighriseApartment Corridor_topfloor,    !- Name
  HighriseApartment Office,               !- Name
  Hospital Basement,                      !- Name
  Hospital Corridor,                      !- Name
  Hospital Dining,                        !- Name
  Hospital ER_Exam,                       !- Name
  Hospital ER_NurseStn,                   !- Name
  Hospital ER_Trauma,                     !- Name
  Hospital ER_Triage,                     !- Name
  Hospital HospitalOfficeFlr1,            !- Name
  Hospital HospitalOfficeFlr5,            !- Name
  Hospital ICU_NurseStn,                  !- Name
  Hospital ICU_Open,                      !- Name
  Hospital ICU_PatRm,                     !- Name
  Hospital Kitchen,                       !- Name
  Hospital Lab,                           !- Name
  Hospital Lobby,                         !- Name
  Hospital NurseStn,                      !- Name
  Hospital OR,                            !- Name
  Hospital Office,                        !- Name
  Hospital PatCorridor,                   !- Name
  Hospital PatRoom,                       !- Name
  Hospital PhysTherapy,                   !- Name
  Hospital Radiology,                     !- Name
  LargeHotel Banquet,                     !- Name
  LargeHotel Basement,                    !- Name
  LargeHotel Cafe,                        !- Name
  LargeHotel Corridor,                    !- Name
  LargeHotel Corridor2,                   !- Name
  LargeHotel GuestRoom,                   !- Name
  LargeHotel GuestRoom2,                  !- Name
  LargeHotel GuestRoom3,                  !- Name
  LargeHotel GuestRoom4,                  !- Name
  LargeHotel Kitchen,                     !- Name
  LargeHotel Laundry,                     !- Name
  LargeHotel Lobby,                       !- Name
  LargeHotel Mechanical,                  !- Name
  LargeHotel Retail,                      !- Name
  LargeHotel Retail2,                     !- Name
  LargeHotel Storage,                     !- Name
  MidriseApartment Apartment,             !- Name
  MidriseApartment Apartment_topfloor_NS, !- Name
  MidriseApartment Apartment_topfloor_WE, !- Name
  MidriseApartment Corridor,              !- Name
  MidriseApartment Corridor_topfloor,     !- Name
  MidriseApartment Office,                !- Name
  Office - undefined -,                   !- Name
  Office Attic,                           !- Name
  Office BreakRoom,                       !- Name
  Office Classroom,                       !- Name
  Office ClosedOffice,                    !- Name
  Office Conference,                      !- Name
  Office Corridor,                        !- Name
  Office Dining,                          !- Name
  Office Elec/MechRoom,                   !- Name
  Office IT_Room,                         !- Name
  Office Lobby,                           !- Name
  Office MediumOffice - Breakroom,        !- Name
  Office MediumOffice - Classroom,        !- Name
  Office MediumOffice - ClosedOffice,     !- Name
  Office MediumOffice - Conference,       !- Name
  Office MediumOffice - Corridor,         !- Name
  Office MediumOffice - Dining,           !- Name
  Office MediumOffice - Elec/MechRoom,    !- Name
  Office MediumOffice - Lobby,            !- Name
  Office MediumOffice - OpenOffice,       !- Name
  Office MediumOffice - Restroom,         !- Name
  Office MediumOffice - Stair,            !- Name
  Office MediumOffice - Storage,          !- Name
  Office OfficeLarge Data Center,         !- Name
  Office OfficeLarge Main Data Center,    !- Name
  Office OpenOffice,                      !- Name
  Office PrintRoom,                       !- Name
  Office Restroom,                        !- Name
  Office SmallOffice - Breakroom,         !- Name
  Office SmallOffice - Classroom,         !- Name
  Office SmallOffice - ClosedOffice,      !- Name
  Office SmallOffice - Conference,        !- Name
  Office SmallOffice - Corridor,          !- Name
  Office ...
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Thank you Julien!

lamar.dylan's avatar lamar.dylan  ( 2019-08-20 10:41:13 -0500 )edit

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Asked: 2019-08-08 11:05:24 -0500

Seen: 178 times

Last updated: Aug 16 '19