Does MLE+ use BCVTB?
I am using external interface in EnergyPlus to connect EnergyPlus idf file with Matlab scripts. At present I am making use of the Matlab toolbox MLE+. I would like to know if MLE+ uses or requires BCVTB? If yes, in what way is MLE+ different from BCVTB? What are the advantages and disadvantages of using MLE+ than using BCVTB when connecting EnergyPlus with Matlab?
In addition to the pro’s and con’s which are already mentioned:
An advantage of BCVTB is that there is more support from other users (Google groups and unmethours).
An advantage of MLE+ Is the interface and the matlab pre- and post processing functions.
I personally use BCVTB in combination with the post processing functions from MLE+. The setup within Ptolemy II doesn’t have to be too complicated (you can use an example installed with BCVTB) and the challenging part is in matlab and Energyplus.