Re-run EnergyPlus failed
I run the office building models (downloaded from building energy code program website) by E+ simulation with v. 8-7-0 a few years ago. It worked well. Recently I re-run the office building models with v.8-7-0 E+. It always gives me an error message, like a fatal error occurs. Actually I didn’t change any parameters in the building model and weather file. I also tried to run the office building models with v.9-0-1 E+. and not being successful. Please advise. Thank you for your help.
I don't really want to have to guess which files (E+ IDF + EPW) exactly you are trying to run, so could you please give us specific links/information? (Also, when you tried with V9.0.1n did you use the IDFVersionUpdater program to update the IDF file to V9.0.?)
Also, can you post the Fatal error from eplusout.err that you are getting? (you can copy paste in a code block in your original answer)
Julien, I use the IDFVersionUpdater program to update the IDF file to V8.7.0 and it works, but not for the V9.0.1. Thank you very much.