Cooling load is not changing when I change Window to Wall Ratio
I am facing problem to get cooling load for difference Window to Wall Ratio(WWR). When I am changing WWR for the same model there is no change in cooling load.I found the same cooling load for 5% or 80% and above. Now need to know how can I solve this problem? I am using Open Studio (1.14.0) , Sketch Up make(2016), Energy Plus(8.6) version.
Which value are your looking at exactly? Do you have absolutely the same value? What about total EUI? Can you show at least a picture of your model?
I am looking for changing my cooling load value with changing WWR. Theoretically, for 5% window to wall ratio the cooling load is not same with the cooling load for 20% WWR. But in my model I found the almost same value of cooling load. Total EUI for 5% WWR = 1866.29 kBTU/ft^2 and for 20% WWR = 1853.07 kBTU/ft^2, which is almost similar.
Given how simple your model is, do yourself and everyone who might want to help a favor and just share your OSM and EPW (upload them somewhere and add the link in your question).
I am using Open Studio and Sketch up from few days only. That's why I am facing to calculate the cooling load in this simple model. I will be grateful if you help me to find the answer. In OSM file, i give the 20% and 65% wwr cooling load calculation which is not match with theoretical results. I am adding my EPW file also for your refernce.
I am trying to solve the above problem but I don't find any solution. On that note I need your help to find the answer. 1.Why my cooling load value is not changing with different WWR? 2. I want all the data in hourly basis instead of monthly.
I am eagerly waiting for your response.