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IDF parsing error for WindowShadingControl in v9.0

asked 2018-12-09 22:27:36 -0600

katsuya.obara's avatar

I am having problem to open idf file created by v9.0 by IDF editor for v9.0. I got error message as below.
I tried to investigate the reason opening in texteditor but could not find reason.
Could anyone tell me how I can try to solve this problem?
I also added part of the idf file content where having problem. image description

idf file

  No Shade,                               !- Name
  1212-Office-TZ,                         !- Zone Name
  1,                                      !- Shading Control Sequence Number
  InteriorShade,                          !- Shading Type
  ,                                       !- Construction with Shading Name
  AlwaysOff,                              !- Shading Control Type
  ,                                       !- Schedule Name
  ,                                       !- Setpoint {BasedOnField A5}
  No,                                     !- Shading Control Is Scheduled
  No,                                     !- Glare Control Is Active
  NRDC Interior Shade,                    !- Shading Device Material Name
  ,                                       !- Type of Slat Angle Control for Blinds
  ,                                       !- Slat Angle Schedule Name
  ,                                       !- Setpoint 2 {BasedOnField A5}
  ,                                       !- Daylighting Control Object Name
  Group,                                  !- Multiple Surface Control Type
  Sub Surface 43,                         !- Fenestration Surface Name 1
  Sub Surface 10,                         !- Fenestration Surface Name 2
  Sub Surface 16,                         !- Fenestration Surface Name 3
  Sub Surface 2,                          !- Fenestration Surface Name 4
  Sub Surface 19,                         !- Fenestration Surface Name 5
  Sub Surface 23,                         !- Fenestration Surface Name 6
  Sub Surface 6,                          !- Fenestration Surface Name 7
  Sub Surface 5,                          !- Fenestration Surface Name 8
  Sub Surface 22,                         !- Fenestration Surface Name 9
  Sub Surface 25,                         !- Fenestration Surface Name 10
  Sub Surface 31,                         !- Fenestration Surface Name 11
  Sub Surface 20,                         !- Fenestration Surface Name 12
  Sub Surface 32,                         !- Fenestration Surface Name 13
  Sub Surface 35,                         !- Fenestration Surface Name 14
  Sub Surface 38,                         !- Fenestration Surface Name 15
  Sub Surface 1,                          !- Fenestration Surface Name 16
  Sub Surface 9,                          !- Fenestration Surface Name 17
  Sub Surface 26,                         !- Fenestration Surface Name 18
  Sub Surface 40,                         !- Fenestration Surface Name 19
  Sub Surface 4,                          !- Fenestration Surface Name 20
  Sub Surface 17,                         !- Fenestration Surface Name 21
  Sub Surface 36,                         !- Fenestration Surface Name 22
  Sub Surface 42,                         !- Fenestration Surface Name 23
  Sub Surface 44,                         !- Fenestration Surface Name 24
  Sub Surface 45,                         !- Fenestration Surface Name 25
  Sub Surface 46,                         !- Fenestration Surface Name 26
  Sub Surface 41,                         !- Fenestration Surface Name 27
  Sub Surface 47,                         !- Fenestration Surface Name 28
  Sub Surface 48,                         !- Fenestration Surface Name 29
  Sub Surface 14,                         !- Fenestration Surface Name 30
  Sub Surface 49,                         !- Fenestration Surface Name 31
  Sub Surface 50,                         !- Fenestration Surface Name 32
  Sub Surface 27,                         !- Fenestration Surface Name 33
  Sub Surface 28,                         !- Fenestration Surface Name 34
  Sub Surface 90,                         !- Fenestration Surface Name 35
  Sub Surface 53,                         !- Fenestration Surface Name 36
  Sub Surface 91,                         !- Fenestration Surface Name 37
  Sub Surface 112,                        !- Fenestration Surface Name 38
  Sub Surface 51,                         !- Fenestration Surface Name 39
  Sub Surface 60,                         !- Fenestration Surface Name 40
  Sub Surface 64,                         !- Fenestration Surface Name 41
  Sub Surface 83,                         !- Fenestration Surface Name 42
  Sub Surface 87,                         !- Fenestration Surface Name 43
  Sub Surface 89,                         !- Fenestration Surface Name 44
  Sub Surface 99,                         !- Fenestration Surface Name 45
  Sub Surface 103,                        !- Fenestration Surface Name 46
  Sub Surface 106,                        !- Fenestration Surface Name 47
  Sub Surface 108,                        !- Fenestration Surface Name 48
  Sub Surface 54,                         !- Fenestration Surface Name 49
  Sub Surface 59,                         !- Fenestration Surface Name 50
  Sub Surface 109,                        !- Fenestration Surface Name 51
  Sub Surface 93,                         !- Fenestration Surface Name 52
  Sub Surface 57 ...
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I think there is a larger issue at play here. Of this long list of Sub Surfaces, only two actually belong to 1212-Office-TZ (I am the one who wrote this file). This is correctly reflected in the OpenStudio interface and in the geometry portions of the .idf, but for some reason gets messed up in the WindowShadingControl portion.


jbatt's avatar jbatt  ( 2018-12-11 15:59:13 -0600 )edit

Then it sounds like this is an OpenStudio question. It may be that OS is taking a shortcut and writing a single WindowShadingControl object instead of one per zone. Do all of these subsurfaces have the same shading control rule? Well, in this case, I guess they do because it's no shading. In the new WindowShadingControl object, the zone name is important from a control aspect especially if the shading control if for daylighting or glare. But the surface list doesn't necessarily have to all be from that same zone.

MJWitte's avatar MJWitte  ( 2018-12-14 13:40:17 -0600 )edit

1 Answer

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answered 2018-12-11 15:45:24 -0600

IDF Editor works off the object definitions in the EnergyPlus IDD file, energy+.idd located in the root EnergyPlus install folder, C:\EnergyPlusV9-0-1 for example. For this particular case, the idd definition stops at 10 surfaces. To fix this, you have two options:

  1. Edit the idf file and split the WindowShadingControl object into multiple instances which have 10 or less surfaces each, just be sure to give each one a unique name.

  2. Edit energy+.idd to extend this object.

The existing idd definition ends like this:

   \memo Specifies the type, location, and controls for window shades, window blinds, and
   \memo switchable glazing. Referencing the surface objects for exterior windows and glass
   \memo doors (ref: FenestrationSurface:Detailed, Window, and GlazedDoor).
A1 , \field Name
A22, \field Fenestration Surface 9 Name
   \type object-list
   \object-list GlazedExtSubSurfNames
   \note When Multiple Surface Control Type is set to Sequential the shades will be deployed for the referenced surface objects in order. 
   \note When that field is set to Group the entire list is controlled simultaneously.
A23; \field Fenestration Surface 10 Name
   \type object-list
   \object-list GlazedExtSubSurfNames
   \note When Multiple Surface Control Type is set to Sequential the shades will be deployed for the referenced surface objects in order. 
   \note When that field is set to Group the entire list is controlled simultaneously.

If you don't plan to edit these, just add bunch of lines before the last entry to extend the object and then renumber that final one.

A23, \field Fenestration Surface Name
A24, \field Fenestration Surface Name
A25, \field Fenestration Surface Name
A26, \field Fenestration Surface Name
A102, \field Fenestration Surface Name
A103; \field Fenestration Surface Name
   \type object-list
   \object-list GlazedExtSubSurfNames
   \note When Multiple Surface Control Type is set to Sequential the shades will be deployed for the referenced surface objects in order. 
   \note When that field is set to Group the entire list is controlled simultaneously.
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Asked: 2018-12-09 22:27:36 -0600

Seen: 356 times

Last updated: Dec 11 '18