What were the changes in the recent revision of the TMY3 weather files?
The TMY3s for 1,020 US locations were released in 2005 to become the defacto standard set of typical year weather for the US and dependencies. However, there've been a couple of problems that have plagued the TMY3s, including inconsistent units in the illuminance values, and faulty reporting of liquid precipitation. The latter problem has not been helped by the rumors that the TMY3s do not contain liquid precipitation or that they are completely useless.
@Joe, can you split this into a question and an answer?
Sure. I can retain the first paragraph of my Question as further explanation of the Question, and move the rest as an Answer to the Question. Like watching Jeopardy, I'm still learning the proper format for posing and then answering questions. I'll try to see if I can edit my question right now.
This has just been done! (had to increase the number of characters to the minimum allowed)
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