Prototype End Uses not adding up to total in ABUPS
In pulling all the end use data from the .html files associated with the Commercial Prototype Building Models (downloaded directly from website) I am finding that most of models' electricity end uses do not add up to the reported Total End Uses.
All locations for a particular use type and code cycle will be off by a similar amount (e.g. the reported end uses for ASHRAE90.1_ApartmentHighRise_STD2013 is 20.81 GJ less than the reported "Total End Uses" for all locations.) The delta varies by building type and code year.
It is never more the 1.2% of the total electricity energy use but this seems too high to be a rounding error. Gas is fine for all models.
What version of EnergyPlus are you using? We had a bug that was fixed here and included in EnergyPlus 8.8.0.