QUICK CHECK for "error occurred in processing csv file"
* maybe input data format deviates from your DEF file specification, or your DEF file specifications are illegal.
(cf. DEF file examples in documentation), e.g. DataElements=...
and and corresponding DataUnits=...
need to be specified.
* if the csv data file contains column names you need to specify number of records to NumRecordsToSkip=1
in the DEF file, if there is more information in lines preceding the data increase NumRecordsToSkip number accordingly.
(1) make sure that in your csv file you really have a table of weather data only (e.g. dry bulb temperature, wet bulb
temperature, humidity,....)
(2) your def file looks as if incomplete: you also need to specify here what data the weather converter will find in every
column, in which physical units and what conversion factors to apply on the input (cf. EP Auxiliary Programs
It may be necessary to convert the original time data into the required time format for the epw weather converter (yyy,mm,dd,hh, min). If the data are incomplete regarding certain time steps you will probably need to fill in some interpolated or default values in the csv table (preferably done with an appropriately coded script). If certain physical data (e.g. solar radiation) are missing, the weather converter may be able to create estimates automatically for a complete epw file.
If the available data do not comprise numerical values for sky cover but only verbal descriptions of sky condition,
clouds etc., and if solar radiation data are missing, you will need to create a numerical estimate for sky cover.
In the case of METAR data, - although not very accurate - a reasonable method seems to set sky cover values according to CAVOK=0, SKC=0, CLR=0, FEW=1.5/8, SCT=3.5/8, BKN=6/8, OVC=1.0 in each sky layer and to assign overall sky cover fraction to the maximum from all reported layers. (cf. a paper by James Tobin, J.W. Nielsen-Gammon, Texas A&M University, 2010)
Another complication may arise, if your weather data refer to e.g. 3 time steps per hour, but not regularly.
(some hours with two measurements, some with three). In this case I have observed that the weather converter
crashes, if you have specified 2 time steps per hour (without having checked that the weather data really
conform to this). For preparation of data for the weather converter in this case you will need to extract a
selection of the data that strictly conforms to the 2-time-step/hour rhythm. This also is best done by writing
a script which automates the task.