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How to merge OS spaces?

asked 2018-03-30 20:22:15 -0600

Westely's avatar

updated 2018-04-01 10:17:59 -0600

Hi all: I developed a building model in SketchUp, and I try to merge two spaces into one. I followed this video" Merging and Splitting Spaces in OpenStudio",

But after I deleted the faces of two spaces and merged them, I can't remove the line between the two spaces as in the video. I try to erase the line, but it only delete the whole space. And furthermore, the merged space can not be shown in the inspector. Although I can select the merged space in the Skechup, seems the inspector still show two spaces. I was wondering if there is any other easy way to merge the spaces. Because the above video is the only one I can find on the internet. Thanks.

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answered 2018-04-01 15:44:56 -0600

Avi's avatar

That should not be too hard:

I created two spaces: image description

Make sure you select the Hide rest of model (It makes it easier)

Now select one of the spaces and double click it. You should end up with one visible space:

image description

click left to the lower left corner of the space and drag all over it to select the space. Now cut the selection. The space should vanish and should be eliminated from the inspector window. The other space should reappear after you click anywhere on the model.

Now select the remaining space by double clicking it. Last you need to use the paste in place to get the first space merged into the other one:

image description

That's about it.

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Thanks! I've solved it!

Westely's avatar Westely  ( 2018-04-03 14:09:23 -0600 )edit

Hey Guys ,I still have the same problem and can't know how to merge the 2 spaces after creating one group so it is still the same problem the spaces in the openstudio pane is still 2 for that example.

I didn't get the answer for " click left to the lower left corner of the space and drag all over it to select the space. Now cut the selection. The space should vanish and should be eliminated from the inspector window. The other space should reappear after you click anywhere on the mode"

Can you clarify it please ?

Essam's avatar Essam  ( 2019-08-05 06:46:39 -0600 )edit

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Asked: 2018-03-30 20:22:15 -0600

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Last updated: Apr 01 '18