Custom:Meter results displayed in eplustbl.htm?
I am adding a Meter:Custom object to my .osm file through an energyplus script. This particular meter would get the "Cooling Coil Total Cooling Energy" from the required Coil:Cooling:DXSingleSpeed objects. I am successfully able to inject the meter object into the idf.
However, I was wondering if there was a way to make the output of this meter, i.e., a cumulative of the Cooling Coil Total Cooling Energy for the specified Coil:Cooling objects, get displayed in my eplusout.htm file?
From the Energyplus I/O reference, I understand I have to add a "Output:meter, 'my_custom_meter_name', Timestep;" line to my idf file, and call this meter in an Output:Table:Monthly report? I am just curious if this will work, or if there is another simpler method of doing this?
What scripting platform are you using? Eppy? OpenStudio? Something else?