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DesignBuilder results file interpretation

asked 2018-03-21 09:43:23 -0600

RicardoPereira's avatar

updated 2018-05-21 15:12:45 -0600

Sankey diagrams

Hello; dear Designbuilder users, I have to translate my DB results in terms of those two diagrams, and I am struggling to do that, for the first one it is clear the primary energy and the heat gains are easily found on the results file, but the rest of them, I do not know which output would represent what. Similar problem for the second one

I have a base case and a series of retrofits, and I have to present all the results in terms of these diagrams, can anyone give me a hand with identifying the best result to represent those variables, thanks a lot

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Have you made this diagram yourself or is this integrated into DB? I havent found it yet in DB but i've been working on a slightly older version. Please let me know!

AadriaanW's avatar AadriaanW  ( 2018-03-24 06:27:17 -0600 )edit

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answered 2018-03-22 03:39:31 -0600

Dave's avatar

If you search the DesignBuilder Help file for "simulation results" you will find information on all the results that are displayed in the DesignBuilder interface. These are only the most commonly used useful results. If you need more than that the DesignBuilder Results Viewer can display any EnergyPlus output. If you run a simulation and take a look at the RDD file (all of the input and output files are stored in the File > Folders > EnergyPlus folder) then you can see what outputs are relevant to your particular model. If you aren't sure which output represents what then the EnergyPlus Input Output Reference document explains them.

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Asked: 2018-03-21 09:43:23 -0600

Seen: 459 times

Last updated: Mar 22 '18