humidity control with sensible heating
Any ideas on how to control a zone's humidity (RH) with sensible heating on Energyplus? There are no temperature control requirements.
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Any ideas on how to control a zone's humidity (RH) with sensible heating on Energyplus? There are no temperature control requirements.
This is a unique request as sensible only heating cannot remove moisture from a zone. It could control RH by heating the space to result in lower RH (i.e., zone condition state point moves right on a psyc chart), but that would be very uncomfortable. The typical method would be to activate a cooling coil and remove moisture from the zone, and reheat if necessary.
Its quite specific, but not unique. The requirement is not driven by confort so temperature is not an issue... At least not in the climate im working on. I understand you can dehumidify with a cooling coil or a desiccant system but im after sensible heating strategy, commonly known as "conservation heating". I could calculate an hourly setpoint with some psyc calcs, but it means I need to do it for every infiltration option I ran... I was wondering if there was a way to size and control a heating coil based on RH and not on temp.
Any thoughts?
That sounds good. Im going to try that. Many thanks Richard.
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Asked: 2018-02-10 18:25:04 -0600
Seen: 193 times
Last updated: Feb 12 '18