How to get the peak cooling load [closed]

asked 2018-01-23 06:07:27 -0500

yodayoda's avatar

updated 2018-01-23 09:34:53 -0500

I try to obtain the peak cooling load through using the Zone Report under the MEASURE Tags in OpenStudio. When I run the simulation, the results show: Warn: Could not get data for LightingSummary Entire Facility Interior Lighting Thermal Zone 1% Lighting Power Density. Warn: Could not get data for LightingSummary Entire Facility Interior Lighting Thermal Zone 1% Full Load Hours/Week. Warn: Could not get data for HVACSizingSummary Entire Facility Zone Heating Thermal Zone 1 User Design Load. Warn: Could not get data for HVACSizingSummary Entire Facility Zone Heating Thermal Zone 1 User Design Air Flow. Warn: Could not get data for HVACSizingSummary Entire Facility Zone Cooling Thermal Zone 1 User Design Load. Warn: Could not get data for HVACSizingSummary Entire Facility Zone Cooling Thermal Zone 1 User Design Air Flow. Warn: Could not get data for OutdoorAirSummary Entire Facility Average Outdoor Air During Occupied Hours Thermal Zone 1 Mechanical Ventilation. Warn: Could not get data for OutdoorAirSummary Entire Facility Average Outdoor Air During Occupied Hours Thermal Zone 1 Infiltration. Warn: Could not get data for HVACSizingSummary Entire Facility Zone Cooling Thermal Zone 1 Date/Time Of Peak. Warn: Could not get data for HVACSizingSummary Entire Facility Zone Heating Thermal Zone 1 Date/Time Of Peak. Warn: Could not get data for EnergyMeters Entire Facility Annual and Peak Values - Gas InteriorEquipment:Gas:Zone:Thermal Zone 1 Electricity Annual Value. Warn: Could not get data for EnergyMeters Entire Facility Annual and Peak Values - Electricity InteriorEquipment:Electricity:Zone:Thermal Zone 1 Electricity Annual Value. Warn: Could not get data for EnergyMeters Entire Facility Annual and Peak Values - Gas InteriorEquipment:Gas:Zone:Thermal Zone 1 Gas Maximum Value. Warn: Could not get data for EnergyMeters Entire Facility Annual and Peak Values - Gas InteriorEquipment:Gas:Zone:Thermal Zone 1 Timestamp of Maximum. Warn: Could not get data for EnergyMeters Entire Facility Annual and Peak Values - Electricity InteriorLights:Electricity:Zone:Thermal Zone 1 Timestamp of Maximum. Warn: Could not get data for EnergyMeters Entire Facility Annual and Peak Values - Electricity InteriorEquipment:Electricity:Zone:Thermal Zone 1 Electricity Maximum Value. Warn: Could not get data for EnergyMeters Entire Facility Annual and Peak Values - Electricity InteriorEquipment:Electricity:Zone:Thermal Zone 1 Timestamp of Maximum. Warn: Could not get data for EnergyMeters Entire Facility Annual and Peak Values - Other InteriorEquipment:DistrictHeating:Zone:Thermal Zone 1 Annual Value. Warn: Could not get data for EnergyMeters Entire Facility Annual and Peak Values - Other InteriorEquipment:DistrictHeating:Zone:Thermal Zone 1 Maximum Value. Warn: Could not get data for EnergyMeters Entire Facility Annual and Peak Values - Other InteriorEquipment:DistrictHeating:Zone:Thermal Zone 1 Timestamp of Maximum. Warn: Could not get data for EnergyMeters Entire Facility Annual and Peak Values - Other Heating:EnergyTransfer:Zone:Thermal Zone 1 Timestamp of Maximum. Warn: Could not get data for EnergyMeters Entire Facility Annual and Peak Values - Other Cooling:EnergyTransfer:Zone:Thermal Zone 1 Timestamp of Maximum. Warn: Could not get data for ZoneComponentLoadSummary THERMAL ZONE 1 Estimated Heating Peak Load Components People Total. Warn: Could ... (more)

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Closed for the following reason duplicate question by David Goldwasser
close date 2018-01-23 10:23:01.451322


@yodayoda, That measures needs to be updated to work with SQL file from current versions of EnergyPlus. There is another post on that subject here. I also filled an issue for the measure. When an update is ready I'll post it to BCL.

David Goldwasser's avatar David Goldwasser  ( 2018-01-23 10:24:22 -0500 )edit