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zone control thermostat - cooling autosize doesn't work

asked 2018-01-01 08:23:58 -0500

xzb86's avatar

updated 2018-01-02 08:17:59 -0500

I have made an energyplus model, When I see the ESO "Zone Mean Air Temperature", the cooling schedule doesn't seems work, so I'm not sure the result is correct or not. please see result below:

image description

my setting is like below:

    Htg-SetP-Sch,            !- Name
    Temperature,             !- Schedule Type Limits Name
    Through: 12/31,          !- Field 1
    For: Saturday Sunday Holiday SpecialDays,  !- Field 2
    Until: 24:00,            !- Field 3
    5,                       !- Field 4
    For: AllOtherDays,       !- Field 5
    Until: 7:00,             !- Field 6
    5,                       !- Field 7
    Until: 8:00,             !- Field 8
    14,                      !- Field 9
    Until: 18:00,            !- Field 10
    20,                      !- Field 11
    Until: 24:00,            !- Field 12
    5;                       !- Field 13

    Clg-SetP-Sch,            !- Name
    Temperature,             !- Schedule Type Limits Name
    Through: 12/31,          !- Field 1
    For: Saturday Sunday Holiday SpecialDays,  !- Field 2
    Until: 24:00,            !- Field 3
    40,                      !- Field 4
    For: AllOtherDays,       !- Field 5
    Until: 7:00,             !- Field 6
    40,                      !- Field 7
    Until: 8:00,             !- Field 8
    30,                      !- Field 9
    Until: 18:00,            !- Field 10
    25.0,                    !- Field 11
    Until: 24:00,            !- Field 12
    40;                      !- Field 13

    Zone Control Type Sched, !- Name
    Control Type,            !- Schedule Type Limits Name
    Through: 03/30,          !- Field 1
    For: AllDays,            !- Field 2
    Until: 24:00,            !- Field 3
    1,                       !- Field 4
    Through: 05/30,          !- Field 5
    For: AllDays,            !- Field 6
    Until: 24:00,            !- Field 7
    4,                       !- Field 8
    Through: 10/16,          !- Field 9
    For: AllDays,            !- Field 10
    Until: 24:00,            !- Field 11
    2,                       !- Field 12
    Through: 11/30,          !- Field 13
    For: AllDays,            !- Field 14
    Until: 24:00,            !- Field 15
    4,                       !- Field 16
    Through: 12/31,          !- Field 17
    For: AllDays,            !- Field 18
    Until: 24:00,            !- Field 19
    1;                       !- Field 20
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What do you mean "the cooling schedule doesn't seem to work"? From the graph you supplied, it's hard to tell if there's anything wrong, if you could zoom in and point an area where you think it's not ok, that'll help... I also have no idea what's the red crosses versus the blue line since there's no legend.

Julien Marrec's avatar Julien Marrec  ( 2018-01-02 03:07:46 -0500 )edit

1 Answer

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answered 2018-01-02 06:21:23 -0500

Dr. Fan's avatar

Have you defined any HVAC system in your model? From the temperature graph, it seems that the room is of free flow without running the HVAC system.

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Asked: 2018-01-01 08:23:58 -0500

Seen: 176 times

Last updated: Jan 02 '18