Sequential load distribution scheme seems not working
I am modelling with multiple water cooled chiller in energyplus.
In idf file, I specified SequentialLoad
for Chilled Water Distribution Scheme
. However, looking at the result, it seems that multiple chiller is operating before 1 chiller get to full load as shown below graph.(x:part load ratio/y:COP)
Does anyone know why this happen?
Timeseries stack plot and stack plot by ascending total cooling rate is added following @aparker instruction.
Looking at the 2nd graph, I can see the fluctuation when the consequent chiller start to be operated. Is this usual? or something is causing this fluctuation?
It generally seems to be working as intended; not sure if the black in the graph is ChillerB3 or if it the top of each series has a black border. Also, I forgot to mention you should be using "Detailed" as the output frequency. The HVAC systems operate on a sub-hourly basis, so if you use "Hourly" you can see some confusing fluctuations which are just the effects of the hourly averaging.
@aparker Thank you for your comment. Do you know how I can interpret the fact that each chiller doesn't operate to maximum part load ratio(100%) even though I specify
Sequential Load
forChilled Water Distribution Scheme