How do I embed equations in UnmetHours? [closed]
How do I insert equations into my questions and answers?
Example: e = mc2
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How do I insert equations into my questions and answers?
Example: e = mc2
UnmetHours uses MathJax. You surround inline equations by a single $
sign: $e = mc^2$. To put an equation on its own line and centered, use $$
$$ e = m \cdot c^2$$
For the format of the equations, it's like LaTeX. If you are unfamiliar with it, please read this post here (basic) Equation support on unmethours. There are also handy tools such as this online equation editor.
UnmetHours doesn't have support for all of MathJax (on the post I linked to, there are a few things that aren't working in my answer), but the essential stuff is there:
$$\dot m C_p \frac{x}{y} \Delta T$$
Got it, maybe I should close this question then since it seems to be a repeat. Thanks though!
Asked: 2017-09-12 02:29:55 -0600
Seen: 148 times
Last updated: Sep 12 '17