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EMS to contorl idealloadairsystem on depond on the room temperture

asked 7 years ago

Done's avatar

updated 7 years ago

Now I want to set EMS contorl with IdealLoadAirSystem.The sensor is one zone's mean air temperature and the actuator that I want to contorl the zone's operation schedule on or off. It always occur error " * Severe * Invalid Actuated Component Type =SCHEDULES * ~~~ * Entered in EnergyManagementSystem:Actuator=MYOPENFACTOR * ~~~ * Component Type not found * ~~~ * Use Output:EnergyManagementSystem object to create .edd file for valid component types. * Severe * Invalid Actuated Component Unique Name =BEDROOM OPERATION * ~~~ * Entered in EnergyManagementSystem:Actuator=MYOPENFACTOR * ~~~ * Component Unique key name not found * ~~~ * Use Output:EnergyManagementSystem object to create .edd file for valid component names. * Severe * Invalid Actuated Component Control Type =SCHEDULE:CONSTANT * ~~~ * Entered in EnergyManagementSystem:Actuator=MYOPENFACTOR * ~~~ * Control Type not found * ~~~ * Use Output:EnergyManagementSystem object to create .edd file for valid component control types.

what I set is follow this: EnergyManagementSystem:Sensor , ZoneRT , !- Name; 18B11, !- Output:Variable Index Key Name; Zone Operative Temperature; ! Output:Variable or Output:Meter Name;! EnergyManagementSystem:Actuator MyOpenFactor , !- Name; Bedroom operation, !- Actuated Component Unique Name; Schedules, !- Actuated Component Type; Schedule Value; !- Actuated Component; EnergyManagementSystem:Program , RoomTemperatureContorl, ! Name IF ZoneRT > 29 SET MyOpenFactor =1.0 ELSEIF ZoneRT <16 SET MyOpenFactor = 1.0 ELSE SET MyOpenFactor = 0.0 ENDIF

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what are you trying to control exactly? zone's operating schedule - you mean just the HVAC system? If so, setting a thermostat with ideal loads is doing this already. (Only providing heating/cooling as needed to meet setpoint).

mdahlhausen's avatar mdahlhausen  ( 7 years ago )

Yes,I want to control IdealLoadAirSystem operating schedule,can I ?

Done's avatar Done  ( 7 years ago )

1 Answer

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answered 7 years ago

You can set an availability schedule in the ZoneHVAC:IdealLoadsAirSystem EnergyPlus object.

If you are using OpenStudio, you can use a measure I wrote to set it. See the answer to this question.

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Asked: 7 years ago

Seen: 158 times

Last updated: May 25 '17