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Adding HVAC equipment to OS Library

asked 2017-05-04 12:23:31 -0500

willyJohan's avatar

updated 2017-08-05 07:34:04 -0500

I am trying to gain access to particular pieces of equipment (Low Temperature Radiant Heating and Cooling) through the OS interface. I am pretty sure it should be available because I can add it using the AEDGOfficeHVACRadientDOAS measure. But even when I apply this measure the object does not show in in the "my model" list or the "Library" list. I was hoping to apply the measure and then load the resulting osm as a library so I could use the objects but am having no luck. Also tried to find and download the required equipment from the BCL to no avail (though this could be due to poor search phrasing).

Thanks in advance.

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answered 2017-05-04 13:20:41 -0500

LowTemperatureRadiant objects are zone equipment, and are a special case in OpenStudio in that the coils are shown on the demand side of the loop but are only really accessible from the Thermal Zones tab (under 'Zone Equipment').

Low Temp Radiant objects are available to add to a model from the Library pane of the Thermal Zones tab. Drag to your Zone Equipment spot: image description

To edit the equipment, select the instance and edit inputs in the right-hand 'Edit' pane: image description

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Asked: 2017-05-04 12:23:31 -0500

Seen: 109 times

Last updated: May 04 '17