Radiant Heating doesn't work
I am trying to install radiant floor in my simulation but I am having problems with that. (I only need the radiant floor during winter, for heating)
These ones are the steps that I've been following: 1. Assigned the Internal construction source on the floor of the house 2. In the thermal zone, I've assigned the ZoneHVAC: Low Temperature Radiant:VariableFlow 3. Completed the info inside this option. Heating Control temperature is on 18ºC and cooling in 50ª (don't want it to work) 4. The schedule of radiant floor is only in Winter Months. 5. I assigned the ZoneHVAC:LowTemperatureRadiant to an empy circuit. (Dind't assigned the cooling one) 6. When I run the simulation I don't get any temperature variation during winter months in the ResultsViewer. The house is still cold in winter.
I attached some pics. BTW.. How do I know between which layers (internal source constructions) are the pipes of the radiant floor?
What is your control temperature type? (mean indoor air temp, outdoor air temp, operative temp, or mean radiant temperature?) What climate are you running this in, and what are the internal temperatures you are hoping for?
Also, you should be able to see which layers the radiant tubes are between by exporting to EnergyPlus and looking up "Construction:InternalSource" to see after which layer the source is present.