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Tariff with Non-Coincident Demand Ratchet having unique rate

asked 2017-01-25 14:40:20 -0500

willyJohan's avatar

updated 2017-05-01 06:52:22 -0500

I am trying to set up a UtilityCost:Tariff in EnergyPlus in order to apply it to an OS model using the EPlus measure.

The tariff has a 50% ratchet on the peak annual demand. If the peak annual monthly demand is 2x or more than the current monthly demand the demand change is 1/2 the greater demand x \$22, other wise it is the current month's peak demand x \$10 (\$7 if winter) or so I think anyway.

here is how I think I would set up a normal ratchet:

    NonCoincident_Demand,    !- Ratchet Variable Name
    SDGE_AL_TOU_S,           !-Tariff Name
    PeakDemand,              !-Baseline Source Variable
    TotalDemand,             !-Adjustment Source Variable
    Annual,                  !-Season From
    Monthly,                 !-Season To
    0.50,                    !-Multiplier Value or Variable Name
    0;                       !-Offset Value or Variable Name

    SummerTOUOnPeakDemandCharge,  !- Name
    SDGE_AL_TOU_S,                !- Tariff Name
    NonCoincident_Demand,         !- Source Variable
    Summer,                       !- Season
    DemandCharges,                !- Category Variable Name
    10.25;                        !- Cost per Unit Value or Variable Name

    WinterTOUOnPeakDemandCharge,  !- Name
    SDGE_AL_TOU_S,                !- Tariff Name
    NonCoincident_Demand,         !- Source Variable
    Winter,                       !- Season
    DemandCharges,                !- Category Variable Name
    7.57;                         !- Cost per Unit Value or Variable Name

I would appreciate someone commenting on this correctness of this approach and tell me where I would enter the different rate for non-coincident demand (22 \$/kW). Here is the tariff if anyone really has too much time on their hands and wants to dig into it.

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answered 2017-05-01 07:06:12 -0500

I think the ratchet would be:

    NonCoincident_Demand,    !- Ratchet Variable Name
    SDGE_AL_TOU_S,           !-Tariff Name
    TotalDemand,              !-Baseline Source Variable
    TotalDemand,             !-Adjustment Source Variable
    Annual,                  !-Season From
    Annual,                 !-Season To
    0.50,                    !-Multiplier Value or Variable Name
    0;                       !-Offset Value or Variable Name

The rate says:

Non-Coincident Demand Charge: The Non-Coincident Demand Charge shall be based on the higher of the Maximum Monthly Demand or 50% of the Maximum Annual Demand.

So me this means that the demand during any time period would set the ratchet and so the baseline source variable would be the TotalDemand.

Also the Season To I think should be annual since the tariff does not say that it only applies to certain seasons of the year. The documentation in the InputOutputReference should help as well as looking at the values calculated in the tariff report and confirming that it works as expected.

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Asked: 2017-01-25 14:40:20 -0500

Seen: 225 times

Last updated: Mar 05 '21