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Studying thermal behavior

asked 2014-12-15 12:51:53 -0500

marika's avatar

updated 2015-07-12 18:13:32 -0500

I'd like to study indoor temperature values in 4 housing units (that are representative models of a 112 units social housing building) to provide a baseline for an energy retrofit proposal with different upgrades in the envelope. So, at the moment, my goal it's not sizing an hvac system but study thermal behavior in the original building. I followed these steps in OpenStudio SkectchUp Plug-in: create sketch up geometry, define spaces and building construction with my own materials, shading surfaces, schedules assigned to the spaces to define basical loads (people, lights and electric equipment loads, infiltration flow rate and design specification outdoor air )- finally the creation of a thermal zone. At this point is it correct to check "turn on air ideal loads"?

From my basic knowledge I've to turn on ideal air loads to allow heat trasfer simulation e to sum space cooling and heating loads.. Then I will insert thermostat schedules with dummy setpoints (very high in summer and very low in winter) to simulate a situation with “HVAC off”.

Is it a correct method to proceed? Thanks in advance for your help.

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answered 2014-12-16 07:42:16 -0500

scottb's avatar

My understanding is that you would like to run a free-floating temperature analysis of your zones.

In this case, you don't want to have any HVAC/Ideal Loads specified. A similar question was asked in this thread:

Running Simulation without HVAC

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answered 2014-12-16 10:40:22 -0500

Ciao Marika,

dalle domande che hai fatto credo di trovarmi nella tua stessa situazione. Ho iniziato da poco e sinceramente non riesco a venire a capo di alcune cose tra cui il calcolo del fabbisogno energetico senza l'inserimento degli impianti. Magari se ti va puoi contattarmi via email a questo indirizzo così possiamo scambiarci un pò di informazioni in italiano visto che io sono un pò scarsino con l'inglese.


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Asked: 2014-12-15 12:51:53 -0500

Seen: 389 times

Last updated: Dec 16 '14