Do energy codes permit mechanical cooling for exterior spaces?
I've been searching and searching and can't find any specific section (Mandatory or Prescriptive) that prohibits mechanical cooling for exterior spaces. I can think of dozens of reasons why it's a bad idea. But it just seems incredible that energy codes don't address this.
Am I missing something? I would be overjoyed if someone finds something that says this is not permitted.
I've been looking in the following codes: IECC 2012; ASHRAE 90.1-2010; California Energy Code 2013
As a historical note, in the early 1990's I was involved in developing an energy code for Hawaii that explicitly limited cooling of unenclosed spaces. At first it was to be disallowed, but push back from the hospitality industry lead to a compromise by setting a limit of 20 Btu/hr-sf of cooling capacity for such spaces. Pretty crazy...
Thanks for the feedback Erik!