rcontrib misses one of the modifiers if number of modifiers between 240-420
I'm using rcontrib to calculate number of sunlighthours for a grid of test points. With the help of @Andyrew on this previous question I'm getting accurate results as far as the number of modifiers (suns) is less then or equal to 239.
If I create between 240-420 modifiers rcontrib will generate the results for n-1 of the modifiers (239-419). You can test the this file to recreate the issue. The file is a zipped file but I had to change the extension to tiff to be able to upload it! If you unzip the file and check untitled.dc file NCOLS is 239 however number of modifiers in untitled_suns.rad is 240.
If I create more than 420 modifiers the number of columns in result file will be accurate but one of the modifiers won't be seen by the test points. In the image below you can see the area that are missing the same modifier. The rest of the points return accurate value as they are already blocked by the wall.
I just ran your test case on OSX, and got 240 columns. Every column (sun) has at least one non-zero value. I noticed with all your files there isn't newline before the end of the files. On some systems, with some tools, and some files, I find that I need an extra line feed at the end of a file to make everything work as expected. I don't fully understand why, but a newline at the end of a text file is a Unix standard, the lack of a newline sometimes cause the last line to be ignored. So maybe try that? In the meantime I'll tartup my virtual PC and install Radiance and all that to test on a PC.
Extra line at the end changes the results. Now I get 240 columns too. I will do more tests and close this discussion if I couldn't recreate the issue. Thanks!
Hi @Andyrew, Adding an extra line solved the issue with the number of columns but I can still create an invisible modifier. You can download the files from here. If you check columns for modifier 1217 (columns EJI, EJJ and EJK in excel) you will see that the sum of the values is equal to 0 which means none of the test points (each row is the results for one of the test points) can see the modifier. If you can't recreate the issue on your machine then it's probably a Windows specific issue. Thanks for your help!