Does Rated Fan Power in EnergyPlus Include Motor Efficiency?
I've been looking at the rated fan power of single speed fans (Fan:OnOff and Fan:ConstantVolume) reported by EnergyPlus and comparing it to hand calculations I've noticed that it doesn't seem to include motor efficiency. Has anyone else noticed this? Is the motor power consumption reported elsewhere? My understanding was that rated fan power should include motor efficiency.
Example: Fan efficiency = 42.75%, Pressure rise = 226.92 Pa, Flow rate = 0.090613 m^3s^-1, Motor efficiency = 85.5%
Hand calculation = 56.25 W, Hand calculation w/o motor efficiency = 48.098 W, EnergyPlus rated fan power = 48.098 W
I got the EnergyPlus value from the SQL file and the html file.