what causes "cannot compute floor area" when exporting SDD/xml
I'm getting a "cannot compute floor area" error for one zone. This happens while exporting to SDD/xml from openstudio v 1.10.0. Ive gone through the zone trouble shooting, it has multiple zones below and has some ground contact floor area as well. is there a limit to floor surfaces or matched surfaces in one zone?
Hi @Dustinl, please use existing tags for search and routing purposes. Nobody subscribes to the tag 'cannot' or 'compute'. 'cbecc-com' and 'openstudio' are more useful tags.
@Dustinl if you open your SDDXML file in a text editor, is there a blank <polylp/> tag that is a child of the <spc> tag for the space where that error occurs?
Right Here? <spc> <name>Permanent Exhibit Gallery Interior</name> <vol>55263.9</vol> <area>2908.63</area> <polylp/> <thrmlznref>Thermal Zone 2.5</thrmlznref> <intflr>
This is the only place where <polylp/> occurs.