Update: ScheduleFile was wrapped and available to use with the API in OpenStudio 2.7.0.
Here's an example on how to import an 8760-hour schedule in OpenStudio via Schedule:FixedInterval
. It's a little bit awkward indeed to do, so I thought this could help some people. In my case I just ran it in command line, but it's easy to adapt that as a measure if you need it.
require 'csv'
# load the test model
translator = OpenStudio::OSVersion::VersionTranslator.new
path = OpenStudio::Path.new("./example_model.osm")
model = translator.loadModel(path)
model = model.get
def create_schedule_and_rename(timeseries, name, model)
schedule = OpenStudio::Model::ScheduleInterval::fromTimeSeries(timeseries, model)
if schedule.empty?
puts "Could not create schedule '#{name}'. Skipping"
return false
schedule = schedule.get
return schedule
# Loading csv. In my case I have 4 columns timestamp, supply temp, supply flow, load
raw_data = CSV.table('IT.csv')
# [88] Repiping(main)> raw_data.headers
#=> [:timestamp, :chw_itloopsecchwstemp, :chw_itloopsecchwrflow_cov, :w]
# Create Vectors to load the 8760 values.
it_supply_temp = OpenStudio::Vector.new(8760)
it_flow_fraction = OpenStudio::Vector.new(8760)
it_load = OpenStudio::Vector.new(8760)
# Loop on each row of the csv and load data in the OpenStudio::Vector objects
raw_data.each_with_index do |row, i|
# Convert F to C on the fly
it_supply_temp[i] = OpenStudio::convert(row[:chw_itloopsecchwstemp],'F','C').get
# This is a fraction, no conversion needed
it_flow_fraction[i] = row[:it_flow_fraction]
# Load is already in Watts
it_load[i] = row[:w]
# Get number of initial Schedule:FixedInterval for reporting
initial_number = model.getScheduleFixedIntervals.size
# To create timeSeries we need a start date (January 1st) and a time interval (hourly interval)
date = OpenStudio::Date.new(OpenStudio::MonthOfYear.new("Jan"), 1, 2009)
time = OpenStudio::Time.new(0,1,0,0)
# Create a timeSeries
it_supply_temp_timeSeries = OpenStudio::TimeSeries.new(date, time, it_supply_temp, "F")
# Convert to schedule and if it worked, rename. See function above
it_supply_temp_sch = create_schedule_and_rename(it_supply_temp_timeSeries, "IT ChW Supply Outlet Temp Schedule", model)
it_flow_fraction_timeSeries = OpenStudio::TimeSeries.new(date, time, it_flow_fraction, "Fraction")
it_flow_fraction_sch = create_schedule_and_rename(it_flow_fraction_timeSeries, "IT ChW Load Profile - Flow Fraction Schedule", model)
it_load_timeSeries = OpenStudio::TimeSeries.new(date, time, it_load, "W")
it_load_sch = create_schedule_and_rename(it_load_timeSeries, "IT ChW Load Profile - Load Schedule", model)
# Final Reporting
final_number = model.getScheduleFixedIntervals.size
puts "Model started with #{initial_number} Schedule:FixedInterval and ended with #{final_number}"
# to save:
# model.save(path, true)