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Error when Modelling a Low Temperature Radiant Floor

asked 9 years ago

RChidwick's avatar

Hello everyone,

I have been encountering a problem lately when I try to model a radiant floor in OpenStudio.

I am currently using the OpenStudio 1.9.0 plugin for SketchUp.

I have a two story building, one thermal zone per floor, with each floor having a radiant floor heating system. I have created an internal source for each floor and added it to the respective construction set for each floor. I also added a 'low temperature radiant variable flow' to the zone equipment for each thermal zone, along with a cooling schedule and heating schedule, and linked the equipment to the thermal zones. Then I created an empty plant loop and added a boiler, setpoint manager schedule (HW Temp), and a variable speed pump.

When I run the simulation I get the following errors: * Severe * IP: IDF line~524 Object=ZONEHVAC:LOWTEMPERATURERADIANT:SURFACEGROUP, name=LOW TEMP RADIANT VAR FLOWFLOORS, Required Field=[Surface 1 Name] was blank. * Severe * IP: IDF line~524 Object=ZONEHVAC:LOWTEMPERATURERADIANT:SURFACEGROUP, name=LOW TEMP RADIANT VAR FLOWFLOORS, Required Field=[Flow Fraction for Surface 1] was blank. * Severe * IP: IDF line~2331 Object=ZONEHVAC:LOWTEMPERATURERADIANT:SURFACEGROUP, name=LOW TEMP RADIANT VAR FLOW 1FLOORS, Required Field=[Surface 1 Name] was blank. * Severe * IP: IDF line~2331 Object=ZONEHVAC:LOWTEMPERATURERADIANT:SURFACEGROUP, name=LOW TEMP RADIANT VAR FLOW 1FLOORS, Required Field=[Flow Fraction for Surface 1] was blank. * Severe * IP: IDF line~5354 Error detected in Object=PLANTEQUIPMENTOPERATIONSCHEMES, name=PLANT LOOP 1 OPERATION SCHEMES * ~~~ * Field [Control Scheme 1 Schedule Name] is required but was blank

I've looked all through OpenStudio and cannot find a way to solve any of these errors. I can solve them in E+, but I'd like to be able to solve them in OpenStudio. Do I need to write a measure to solve these in OpenStudio?

Thank you for any help! Let me know if I need to post the IDF file, I'm new to posting on Unmet Hours and am not sure if that is standard procedure or not.

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1 Answer

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answered 9 years ago

It sounds like your internal source construction isn't getting assigned to the right surfaces. Make sure your construction set has the default floor construction set to your internal source construction for 'Interior Surface Constructions' (your second floor surface should have a 'Surface' outside boundary condition) and for 'Ground Contact Surface Constructions' (to get your ground floor surface, which should have a 'Ground' outside boundary condition). You can verify the construction assignments for your surfaces in the 'Spaces' tab under the 'Surfaces' sub-tab.

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Thank you very much for your response. I apologize for my late reply. Your answer works great and my simulation is now running smoothly.

RChidwick's avatar RChidwick  ( 9 years ago )

Hey, I seem to have a similar problem and thought that I applied the answer correctly but unfortunately my model isn't working yet. I postet my question here link text. Is my OS not creating new surfaces as well for interior surface constructions as I use Floorspace JS for geometry or how can I fix this problem? Thank you very much!

Mara's avatar Mara  ( 4 years ago )

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Asked: 9 years ago

Seen: 718 times

Last updated: Oct 24 '15