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OpenStudio Error: Unhandled Exception in Schedules Tab

asked 9 years ago

kramerica's avatar

updated 9 years ago

Whenever I try to manually input a value such as a temperature setpoint in the OpenStudio schedules tab, I get the following error:

"An unhandled exception has occurred. Access violation- no RTTI data!"

This is happening in OpenStudio v 1.8, and 1.7 when I try to type in a setpoint temperature in the schedules tab. I have tried older versions of the same model, different models, and creating a new model and the error keeps happening. I have received this error before in the past, but it went away and I was able to input values without the error until it showed up again today. After the error the program crashes and has to be restarted. Attached is a screenshot. The only way I can change the schedule values is to drag and drop the horizontal line to an approximate value.

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@johnrkramer can you make this happen on a fresh model. If so can you describe steps to follow to re-produce it. If you can't make it happen on a fresh model can you email your osm file to and let us know which schedule you change when it crashes. A few of us were not able to reproduce this internally. We are using Windows 7, not sure which version of windows you are on.

David Goldwasser's avatar David Goldwasser  ( 9 years ago )

Yes, I can make this happen on a fresh model, or on existing models. It only happens on the schedules tab when I drag the horizontal line and input a number. As soon as I type a number it crashes. I am using Windows 7 and OpenStudio 1.8.0, both 64 bit.

kramerica's avatar kramerica  ( 9 years ago )

I am not able to reproduce this in OpenStudio 1.8.0. Can you give the exact steps to reproduce this? The fact that you are making a Temperature schedule with lower limit of 0 and upper limit of 1 is a little odd to me. Also, which unit system are you using, SI or IP?

macumber's avatar macumber  ( 9 years ago )

Also, which operating system are you using?

macumber's avatar macumber  ( 9 years ago )

This schedule was from a model containing a warehouse freezer that was supposed to be kept at 0 degrees F. I am using Windows 7 64 bit.

In the schedules tab for any type of schedule if I left click and drag the horizontal bar, release the left mouse button, enter a number value, it crashes. Also, if I do the same thing but don't release the left mouse button before enter a number value it still crashes.

kramerica's avatar kramerica  ( 9 years ago )

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answered 8 years ago

kramerica's avatar

This error is avoided by entering schedule values one of two ways:

1) drag the horizontal line to the desired value

2) hover over (without clicking) the horizontal line and type in the desired value

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Asked: 9 years ago

Seen: 282 times

Last updated: Sep 26 '16